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Print Patch


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Is there a way to print patch information from the desk or from Phantom Zeros - I can see information about printing cue lists as CSV file but not the patch data or any other show file information...if it doesn't exist yet - could it? Would be a real time saver...

First post and about to use our new FLX for the first time properly in anger next week....

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Hi Pete,

Welcome to the forum.

You're correct, currently you aren't able to print the patch. You can however export any playback as a .csv. We occasionally receive requests for this, so it is on our "to-do" list. Whenever I need to print the patch, I load the show file into PhantomZerOS on PC, go to the Fixture Schedule (SHIFT + F10 is the keyboard shortcut to enter Setup), and then hit Alt+Print Screen to screen grab the patch to print it off. 

If you have any queries using FLX for the first time don't hesitate to post here on the forum or send me an email.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Ed, this would be a real bonus if we could print a patch list.  Unless I have got something wrong (and that is quite often) using the print screen option will give you an image of black background with white text.  I tried this and of course this eats black ink and the white text is pretty hard to read. 



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  • 1 year later...

Hi Tom,

Currently it still isn’t possible to export the patch. Only cue lists can be exported as a CSV file from the console.

As suggested if you need to have a copy of your patch in front of you as you are addressing fixtures, you can either screen shot phantom ZerOS, or remotely connect a device to the console using the app and view the fixture schedule.

If you have any questions let us know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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