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FLXS24 Pan effect smoothness


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I haven't seen this before, the effects use a waveform engine to smoothly "chase" between parameter values. Are you using 8bit Pan and Tilt on a fixture with a long throw distance? In which case you may be seeing physical stepping between DMX values.

If you tap "No Effect", and then tap Horizontal Line again and slow it down does this show the same issue? What Speed value on the encoder wheel do you find you start to see this stepping?

Any queries let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thanks for quick replies.

Elation Platinum Spot 5R - Extended Mode
No Effect then reapply effect = no difference
Size 20, Speed 8 = Noticeable stepping (in warehouse, 5m throw)
Increase to Speed 12 = less noticeable at speed but clear stepping when slowing down at the end of travel and restarting return journey.   

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Thank you for the information.

Does this issue seem to be present with all the movement effects, or just horizontal line? Have you any other fixtures in your setup, if so do they show the same issue with this effect?

To confirm smooth data is being sent from the console, tap Z/Shift -> System Information -> DMX Outputs. When this effect is running across these fixtures, are the Pan values smoothly changing? If so, are you able to reset the fixture or just its P/T motors, and see if this solves the issue?


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thanks again for reply. It happens on all movement effects when slowed right down.I've checked DMX output while running the shape and it looks ok.

Just tried same on a different make/model fixture and looks loads better (still small amount of stepping but nothing too noticeable)so obviously something in the way the 5R is dealing with the information. I can get a good smooth slow scan on the 5R from a different console. 

The Chauvet R3 Spot I tried doesn't home with shutter open so lifting the channel fader doesn't bring light up, is this an easy fix (or intended?)




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Regarding your Chauvet fixture, the Shutter is defaulting to Off. Defaults cannot currently be configured on FLX S, however they can on other ZerOS consoles. You can therefore send us an email to FixtureSupport@zero88.com with a request to customise this fixture's defaults. One of the team will then be able to send you a revised fixture file for you to load into your FLX S.

The other option is save your show file to USB, and plug into a PC running PhantomZerOS. If you run PhantomZerOS as FLX rather than FLX S, Defaults can be edited. Therefore choose FLX from the drop down, click Go, and once loaded hold SHIFT + F10 -> Load File -> Choose your show file from USB. Then select your Chauvet fixture(s), tap BEAM until you see "Strobe" on the encoders, tap the middle encoder button and then choose "Open". You can then hold SHIFT + RECORD -> tap HOME -> Choose Defaults. Then tap (Z) -> Save Show, and these changes will be saved to USB. You'll then be able to load this edited show file back into your FLX S,  where the strobe will default to open.

Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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