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From your description, it sounds as if these fixtures are not receiving RDM information correctly. FLX S consoles have software running in the background called RigSync, which allows for a 2-way communication between FLX S and your lighting rig, keeping the two synchronised. You can read a little more about this on our website here...


Some fixtures mistake this RDM data for DMX if they have poor implementation. Therefore to resolve this issue, simply tap SETUP -> Inputs & Outputs -> RigSync -> Disabled. RDM traffic will then stop, which you will probably find stops the fixtures flickering.

If you have any queries let me know,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Edward.
I have a problem with the "Stairville B5R" fixture. The device is present in the library, but the gobo icons are not displayed. The parameters are absolutely the same as "Clay Paky Sharpy". I re-created the Sharpy, gobos are shown. How can I apply the Sharpy icons for B5R so that the gobo image does not disappear? Is there a trick?

Kind regards,

(Translated by google translator)

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Hi Alex,

Gobo images are stored in the fixture personality. Therefore this will need to be edited to implement the images. This is something you can do yourself if you wish, using our Fixture Tools software available to download here...


Alternatively, send a request to FixtureSupport@zero88.com along with the fixture's manual, and one of the team will be able to add these images and send you a new version of the fixture file.

Hope that helps, any queries let me know.



Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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