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Using release triggers in chases


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Hello, first post, I hope not to seem too newbie ;)

I programmed my S48 with some single cue playbacks (scenes) and some chases and I want to enable them one at a time by pressing their "go" buttons: I discovered the "release" macros and they work very well with scenes (the only one cue in the list triggers the others releases), but they cause big mess with chases: I programmed release triggers on first chase's cue and obviously every cycle they trigger, making behaviour unpredictable: when I try to change playback, some times it works, other times it stucks on chase, other times again triggers release both playbacks :-/

I think the only solution would be some sort of "one shot" cue on chases that can contain release triggers and not be cycled with other cues, just my fantasy ;) or maybe there's some neat workaraound to my problem (I hope).

thanks in advance, 




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Hi Massimo,

Welcome to the forum!

Having multiple Release macros in a chase shouldn't be a problem. Sending a release macro to a playback that is already released shouldn't do anything. When using chases, they will always loop through all cues (in the order you define), as "Next" cues configured in Cue Settings aren't used. If you do wish to use "Next" configuration to allow you to, for example, run the chase through cues 1 to 10, and then loop back to cue 2 through 10, you would need to revert the playback from a chase, and configure each cue to automatically follow on from the previous, over your defined time. This would give you a "chase", however allow the first cue to only be ran once. 

If you save and then attach your show file either to a post or an email to me, along with a description of which cues/playbacks are causing the issue, I'll be able to take a look for you.

Any queries let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hey Edward, thank you for your prompty answer!

I tried put release triggers in each and every cue inside the chases, now if I switch from a chase to another and the global speed is high, it's very frequent to release both chases instead of only the previous one... If I turn the speed down, it's less frequent, but you understand it's akward. Nothing strange happens with single scenes, though.

I will send you the show file by email, I hope to find a solution (could it be a bug?). Thanks once more!



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