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Fixture Type Editor and RDM Data


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I wanted to upgrade the ASTERA AX5 Files from the Libary with RDM Data. so i imported the AX5 Files from the Libary and tried to set the RDM Parameter.

ESTA Manufacturer ID is 4174,

RDM Device Model ID is 2501

Than i enabled the checkbox RDM Personality ID.

I have looked up the personality IDs for the Profiles. RGBAW S for example is personality 10 of 16. So i set the Personality ID to 10. When i reopened the profile Data the ID is changend to 16.

So it seems that there is a bug in the Personality ID Dialoge. I tried to set it to A too for hexadecimal. but you can only enter numbers.

I use: Zero 88 FLX S48 / ETC ColorSource 40 / GLP Creation 4096 / Chamsys MQ70 / Madrix

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Hi Erics,

We are aware of this issue when entering RDM Personality IDs of greater than 9 in the Fixture Type Editor software. If you could email us at FixtureSupport@zero88.com, with all the relevant Personality IDs for each mode of these fixtures, we will be able to send you an updated fixture file containing the correct personality IDs.

Any queries let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Thanks Edward,

I have send the information to the fixture support. But i would be good if the problem in the fixture type editor would be solved. In the moment i try to buy only new fixtures with RDM support. But in the moment it is not so easy to get informations wich fixture really supports RDM. And the RDM Data like Personality IDs is often not recognized in the manual.

It would also help if the manual of the fixture editor would be updatet to give some more infomations about RDM Data Input.

I use: Zero 88 FLX S48 / ETC ColorSource 40 / GLP Creation 4096 / Chamsys MQ70 / Madrix

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Thanks Edward,

I have received the file. In the moment i do some RDM Test. But it seems that there are some Bugs in ZeroOS 7.9.4 with RDM. My Desk was regonizing Lamps that are not connected every power on. I deleted tham in the setup and saved the show. After reboot the lamps are back in the show and rigSync showed tham with error. I had to make a coplete factory reset to kill them.

The next error is that it is not possible to discover the AX5 after deleting them from patch. Wehen i power on the desk the new fixture profile AX5 RDM was detected and my lamp with right dmx adress is in the patch. I can than leave setup and control the LED Lamp. Than i go into setup and delete the Lamp. Than i try to discover it. But the Lamp do not show up. I switch the cable to my dmx tester. There discovery works.

I wanted to test every DMX personality from the AX5, but it seems not to be possible with the desk in the moment.

To get the Lamp get the right fixture profile it is important to have the fixture profile load before you have connected the lamp. Otherwise the desk created it own profile "Astera LED" wich can't be deleted.

I use: Zero 88 FLX S48 / ETC ColorSource 40 / GLP Creation 4096 / Chamsys MQ70 / Madrix

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Okay, it seams that the AX5 Software isn't stable too. After a while the FLX S48 says that the AX5 Lamp  is not recognized any more. And the Lamp did not react to DMX. The MARTIN Rush PAR 3 in the DMX Chain works fine,. I have to switch on and of the AX5 to work aggain. So I will contact the ASTERA support for help.

I use: Zero 88 FLX S48 / ETC ColorSource 40 / GLP Creation 4096 / Chamsys MQ70 / Madrix

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i contacted the Astera support today. The problem was know since the last Friday. Today the released an update. Firmware V5.7.91 for the AX5 resolved the problem "AX5 stops responding on XLR DMX if RDM is used for a while"

Now the AX5 RDM fixture profile works with the FLS S48. You could switch between the AX5 personalities in the desk. All profiles where assigned right and in sync.

But there are some problems that i have seen:
- When you select and delete RDM Fixtures from the desk you can't discover them again. You have to restart the FLX.
- When you had the fixtures selected with the fader, than delete all of them in the setup, the clear LED is on and can't be switch of by pressing clear. You have to patch a fixture to get it to set to off.

I use: Zero 88 FLX S48 / ETC ColorSource 40 / GLP Creation 4096 / Chamsys MQ70 / Madrix

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Hi Erics,

11 hours ago, Erics said:

i contacted the Astera support today. The problem was know since the last Friday. Today the released an update. Firmware V5.7.91 for the AX5 resolved the problem "AX5 stops responding on XLR DMX if RDM is used for a while"

Thank you for this information, we will bear this in mind if others have issues with these fixtures.

11 hours ago, Erics said:

When you select and delete RDM Fixtures from the desk you can't discover them again. You have to restart the FLX.

After deleting a fixture manually, this won't be discovered automatically again. This is because otherwise you'd never be able to delete a fixture on the DMX line even if you weren't using it. Therefore to rediscover deleted fixtures, you'll need to tap SETUP -> Inputs & Outputs -> RigSync -> Discover All. This should then patch them back into the console.

11 hours ago, Erics said:

- When you had the fixtures selected with the fader, than delete all of them in the setup, the clear LED is on and can't be switch of by pressing clear. You have to patch a fixture to get it to set to off.

Thank you for letting us know, I have logged this as issue reference ZOS-8784 on our software tracker.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Therefore to rediscover deleted fixtures, you'll need to tap SETUP -> Inputs & Outputs -> RigSync -> Discover All. This should then patch them back into the console.

That is what i have done. But the manually deleted fixtures were not discovered. You have to restart the desk to get them in. Turn off and on of the fixtures did not helped.

I use: Zero 88 FLX S48 / ETC ColorSource 40 / GLP Creation 4096 / Chamsys MQ70 / Madrix

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