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Copy playbacks between showfiles

JR Light

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I'm wondering if it is possible to copy playbacks between showfiles. Or another way to combine showfiles. 

For example:
I have created a few playbacks for my LED fixtures and saved in a showfile.
Later I have created a few playbacks for my movingheads and saved in a new showfile without the LED fixtures. 
So I have 2 showfiles with different fixtures and playbacks. 

Is there a way to combine these showfiles? 

Or do I have to create the playbacks again every time when the fixtures changes? 

Best regards,


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Hello Edward,

Thank your for your reply. 
That's a shame. I have multiple types of led fixtures, and multiple types of movingheads and also a few special effects as a laser. There are too less pages on the S48 to hold for all fixtures the playbacks. 
And then I don't talk about hire extra fixtures...

Best regards,

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