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I just wrote about the profile duplicating and deleting. This leads to a bigger problem when I saving a show with playback with the second profile what I updated as I wrote in my last topic,and loading it back it always comes with the first not with the second and loses every playback saves what contains that fixture.



First of all. I edited one of the skypanel profile from the latest fixture library added a lot of predefined Kelvin degrees to CTemp. Saved it with the same name as it was. Uploaded to the desk. From now there is two fixture profile on the desk with the same name, mine is the second. I cant delete the other one or overwrite it I dont know why. 

So I am using the second profile what I edited in a lot of playbacks. When the desk goes off and on (I saved the show before) all of the skypanel profiles became the first instead of the second what it should be. I have to change all the profiles back to 2nd and this is messing up all the playbacks what contained the 2nd profile originally. 

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