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Clear stuck on and laggy


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Hi DramaKing,

Have you contacted our support telephone number? Our forum isn't really the place for emergency out of hours support - especially if you have a show starting in 5 minutes!

Can you describe what you mean by "hanging up" and "laggy"? Have you got "Programmer Time" enabled (press Z button, and one of the wheels will say "Programmer Time" - the middle button of the wheel will enable and disable it.

Jon Hole
Global Product Manager, Systems and Control

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Yes I get the programmer time bit and pressing the button in the middle of.the wheel toggles it on and off.. thats not what is causing my issues it's not a repeatable problem either, every so often it completely stops.responding to fader inputs from the playbacks and palette executions then aftrr say 30 seconds or so it unfreezes and finishes the fader palette entry, and the z key and clear key are permanently lit right now. It's also laggy and unpredictable when using group selections, sometimes selecting a group misses one or more fixtures in the group. Sometimes switching playbacks page makes both the 1-24 & 2-48 leds light up. Sorry I was unaware there was an out of hours number to call. By the way the console is brand spanking new from stage electrics I've had it about a week but this is the first time I've used it on a real show. Perhaps the software may not be the very latest version. Haven't checked that yet. Regards, Tom.

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Sorry to hear this. To find out the software version tap Z -> System Information. In here you’ll see a line displaying OS version. ZerOS 7.9.4 is the latest release software for FLX. 

If you have a copy of the show file that showed the lag issue, please could you email it to support@zero88.com. 

What was the setup of the console? Were you using networking, USB devices?

Any queries let me know. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Edward, the console was outputting to artnet via a switch (dedicated network not shared) it's certainly not a networking issue because it did it using the direct dmx output too.. no usb devices plugged in.. oddly enough after the show finished in cycled the power and it went back to normal until I tried to record a cue and it got progressively worse over a period of about 25mins by which time i had to go. I checked and it was running software i think it was. I put the new latest software on and it seems to be ok now, not used it on a show environment yet but I ran it up for a couple of hours this evening between shows and it's looking solid again now. Sadly I didn't get a copy of the show file because I formatted the usb stick to transfer the new software over from the pc.

As an aside from this is there a way to switch off the dhcp when using an artnet connection? 

Regards, Tom

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Hi Tom,

Ok no worries thanks for the information. Let us know if you see anything similar with the latest software.

Art-Net connection doesn't use a DHCP IP address. This will be a 2.x.x.x IP generated by the console for each Art-Net device. You will see a DHCP address under Z -> System Information -> Network Devices if there is a DHCP server on the network, however this will only be used by the console if you have set a protocol to use DHCP. If Art-Net is the only protocol in use, the DHCP address will not be used.

Hope that helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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On 7/21/2018 at 11:17 PM, DramaKing said:

 I checked and it was running software i think it was. I put the new latest software on and it seems to be ok now, 

According to the release notes, 7.9.3 was the first official release that supported FLX S24 and S48. So maybe when you checked it was  But 7.9.4 (.1) is currently the latest production release. You thought you then updated to the "latest" - but it looks like the desk already had the "latest" on. As of today (23rd July 2018) there isn't even a Beta release after 7.9.4.

So what did you have (there is a sticker on the box with the shipped software version) and what did you put on (can't see that would be anything other than 7.9.4)?

... or have you got a full-blown FLX (the daddy) rather than FLX S24/S48?


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15 hours ago, kgallen said:

According to the release notes, 7.9.3 was the first official release that supported FLX S24 and S48.

It's quite normal for us to have a "factory only" build of software for a brand new console which doesn't need to get uploaded online.

Jon Hole
Global Product Manager, Systems and Control

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