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3 and 4 Wheel Groups arrangement


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Hi There,

I'm trying to (re)create a library for my GLP 700 cmy. In the Fixture Type Editor, I'm organising in the tabs "4 Wheel Groups" a wheel group with "Cyan / Magenta / Yellow / CTO", and in a second wheel group "Color1".

Saving, loading the file in PhantomZerOS to test. Patching only one machine. If I select this fixture, and clicking on the "Color Tab", I see "Color 1 / CTO / Red / Green", and with the second click "Blue".

What am I missing ?


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Hi Franck

I think the 4 wheel group setting is only for the Illusion series consoles (and the 3 wheel group for Frogs).

Which console are you using? I'm not sure how you associate colours with particular encoders on say FLX: on the fixtures I make they just come up in the order I declare them!


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In fact, I'm just at the point of buying a S48-1024. But before, I want to verify that all the lights I will use with it could be "librarized". So, I take the original library of the GLP YPOC 700 CMY, and discover that the affectation of the encoders are not good. I just want to put them in the correct order.

But I think you're right : I will start from blank, and create en fresh new library for my Ypocs, and create the wheels in the correct order... Let's see ...

Wish : it will be good in a future update of the editor that this "wheel tab" could work with FLX and FLX S...


[EDIT] That's it ! In Fixture Type Editor, the order you've created the parameter is important for the wheel assignement. TheĀ original library is not good enough for me. I will recode it from scratch. Thanks Kevin !

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Hi Franck,

Yes that's correct, the order the parameters are listed in the Fixture Editor software is the order they'll appear on the console. If you have any queries, feel free to email FixtureSupport@zero88.com, and one of the team can help you out, or make the files for you.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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