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hi I'm a lucky owner of a lp96, it happened to me that during the preparation of a show the playbacks when operated commanded only dimmer no pan or tilt and no beamshape and second cue not funcion completly, I noticed that the led on the flash button when the playback is operated is not lit steady but flashes, to solve I had to reset the desk, can I solve it in any other way? Software in use 7.9.4.
Thank you and sorry for my bad English.

1 hour ago, francocampo said:

the playbacks when operated commanded only dimmer no pan or tilt and no beamshape and second cue not funcion completly

the led on the flash button when the playback is operated is not lit steady but flashes

This suggests the cue on the Playback was still fading - did you have a very long fade time which made it look like the Position and Beamshape were not working, but actually they were just fading very slowly?


Dear Jon Hole, 

first of all thanks for your quick response, no because the cue before the problem worked properly then once done reset and loaded the show everything works perfectly, at some point the playback give that problem. thanks again

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