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Copy Fixtures


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1 hour ago, _mitchells said:

Is it possible to copy fixtures?



If you mean copy say channel 1 fixture to 2 so that the same fixture type is patched on multiple channel numbers, you aren't able to do this. You would have to go to Add Fixtures, and patch the new fixture in.

If you mean can you copy fixture information from one to another, this is only available on our ORB series consoles.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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However, if you  mean add multiple DMX addresses to a single Channel so multiple fixtures are controlled from a single channel and "copy each other" - to do this, go into SETUP > Fixture Schedule, select the DMX Address of the fixture you wish to add a second address for, tap the address, type in the new address and click "Add as additional address".

Jon Hole
Global Product Manager, Systems and Control

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36 minutes ago, Edward- Z88 said:



If you mean copy say channel 1 fixture to 2 so that the same fixture type is patched on multiple channel numbers, you aren't able to do this. You would have to go to Add Fixtures, and patch the new fixture in.

If you mean can you copy fixture information from one to another, this is only available on our ORB series consoles.


So I  can't copy a whole fixture, in my first show I had 8 ledpars now I want to update my show to 16. I want to control all of my pars individual but I dont want to program all my cues and chase again

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Hi Mitchells,

If you want to keep the new LED pars separate, I'm guessing they're going to be doing different things to your existing 8 fixtures, so you'll need to edit your cues for this anyway. Otherwise you can do as Jon suggested, and pair your new fixtures up to your existing fixtures, adding an extra DMX address for each existing fixture, so that you have 2 fixtures responding per channel.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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