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Groups/Palettes - UI enhancement requests


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(1) Use touch screen for group copy target.

Current: (syntax) GROUP n <COPY to> GROUP m

Enh: GROUP n <COPY to> <touch group>


(2) Add group name to any messages talking about the group. This is because you get a blank screen with only this message, so have to think "Is group 16 really my blinders?"

Current: DELETE GROUP n (or touch) -> "Would you like to delete Group n"

Enh: "Would you like to delete Group n "<group name>"


(3) Being able to "drag and drop" groups to rearrange them on the screen? (Not sure how viable this is, currently I use COPY then DELETE, but this is a bit slow. It would be ok to have to click a button at the top to enable "Rearrange" if a live drag-and-drop rearrange is considered too risky.

(3a) Maybe this could be allowed for palettes too?

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Hi Kevin,

Many thanks for your comments. In a future software update, we are going to be improving the FLX copying, and also bring the "Move" functionality. 

Currently regarding copying groups, once you've tapped GROUP at the start of the syntax, you don't need to tap it again. For example GROUP 1 COPY 2. This saves a button press, but I appreciate your suggestion is a little more user-friendly, rather than fully syntax based.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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20 hours ago, kgallen said:

(1) Use touch screen for group copy target.
Current: (syntax) GROUP n <COPY to> GROUP m
Enh: GROUP n <COPY to> <touch group>

Added your comments to ZOS-6935 which is similar

20 hours ago, kgallen said:

(2) Add group name to any messages talking about the group. This is because you get a blank screen with only this message, so have to think "Is group 16 really my blinders?"
Current: DELETE GROUP n (or touch) -> "Would you like to delete Group n"
Enh: "Would you like to delete Group n "<group name>"

Added as ZOS-8669

20 hours ago, kgallen said:

(3) Being able to "drag and drop" groups to rearrange them on the screen? (Not sure how viable this is, currently I use COPY then DELETE, but this is a bit slow. It would be ok to have to click a button at the top to enable "Rearrange" if a live drag-and-drop rearrange is considered too risky.
(3a) Maybe this could be allowed for palettes too?

Added an additional request for this on ZOS-5058

Jon Hole
Global Product Manager, Systems and Control

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Thanks Jon! And ZOS-8669 could be expanded to apply to palettes and cues too - probably pretty much the same code in ZOS that handles this I suspect!

I understand adding the name to the message probably wouldn't be feasible if a range was specified.

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