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Spiider Flower Effekte Speichern


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Hi Marco,

Are you Recording the fixture’s intensity in with the Playback too? If you’re just trying to store the Flower without intensity, you’ll need to disabled SmartTag. You can do this by pressing and holding RECORD, and tapping SmartTag from the Record Options, so that it has a Blue stripe next to it. You should now find you can record the flower to a Playback. It would be a good idea to store the Flower effect you’re happy with to a Palette first, to allow you to palette reference. 

Hope that helps


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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On ‎27‎.‎03‎.‎2018 at 11:11 AM, Marcosca said:
Hello everybody
I have a question .
I would like to save the flower funktrion on a fader at Robe Spiider. but unfortunately without success. what am I doing wrong ?
Flower function are provided as functions by Spiider in Color
Thank you for inputs
hello Edward

Thank you for your answer

I have also found that if I program so about 2% brilliance value to it then I do it I think that with the function Smart day, I'll look again. , sorry that I have not noticed that before
  Still has much to learn with the flxs language.
ps pity there is very little you tube videos. (German videos :-)
Many thanks and regards marco
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Hi Marco,

Glad that you found the cause of the problem. SmartTag will ignore parameters if the fixture’s intensity is 0%, which is why you can also get around SmartTag nudging the Fixture up to 1% intensity.

If you ever need more support with your FLX S just let us know. Our Europe Sales Manager Franck is German, and would be happy to help you out in German. 


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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