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Started programming a show with an FLX S24, and wanted my rogue r1s to be in a position in one cue, and then over the position fade time move to another position in the next cue. However, they appear to ignore the fade time and instead adopt the 'Mspeed' value of 0. Is there a way to overcome this without having to set the 'Mspeed' each time? 


Hope that makes sense!


Many thanks,





Hi James, 

If your Fixture has a Postion speed parameter, usually this when set to 0% should mean full speed. Therefore your second cue should display a fade time, that you can use to define the duration from your first position to the second. 

Feel free to attach your show file and I’ll take a look. 


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist


Thanks both for getting back so quick!


Yeah, had set a position fade time, and it shows that time completing but whats outputted live isn't doing that.....


Had another look through my file, and can't see anything obvious, but I'm sure its something simple! Attached it here, I believe it does it with the washes between the cue 'tabs closed' and 'tabs open' but the main problem was in the auto follow sequence. 


Thanks again,




OLCS Day One2.isf


Hi James, 

Looking at your show file, you have "Fader Controls... Colour, Beamshape and Position" enabled on the Master Playback. This means rather than these attributes using the cue fade times, they will be instead scaled by the fader's position. To disable "Fader Controls", hold SETUP  tap the Master Playback's GO button. Then, tap and disable "Colour", Beamshape" and "Position", so that they have a blue stripe next to them, rather than red.

As a separate note, I noticed from your show file you are running out of date software. Keep an eye on our website over the next week, as we will be releasing software version ZerOS 7.9.4, that I would recommend you installing on your FLX S, as it will bring new features and enhancements.

Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist


Ahhh knew it would be something simple! Thats great - thank you for that! 

Sadly it’s only a demo desk I’m on at the moment, so can’t really do the update myself, but will be keeping up to date when we get one ourselves!

One slightly more random question, how do I set the time of the clock on the desk to be correct? Just noticed it was wrong when I locked it! 





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