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No output from cues!

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Recently started using FLEX S48. Have programmed a show and it worked fine last night but tonight put all faders up for a rehearsal and then put them all down, pressed Clear several times and tried to run the cues but there were no lights from the cues. After looking round various screens it suddenly started working. 

Any ideas?


Hi Jimbo,

That sounds odd. Did you set up a Playback to be a Grand Master and choose blackout accidentally? Did you apply a Programmer Time? Programmer Time is set on the last encoder wheel in the Z key Settings, and if enabled and turned to full will take 11 minutes 30 seconds for the programmer to be clearer. Could this be what you did?


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist


Hi Jim,

There is no way of removing programmer time from the last encoder wheel in the Z key. By default this is disabled, and if you do tap it’s middle button to enable it, it will be set to 5 seconds. 

Did you manually release/ turn off your Playback? This is done by pressing and holding CLEAR, and tapping the Playback’s button. You would then need to take the Playback’s fader down, and then back up to see any light output. 

If it happens again, feel free to send me your show file and I’ll take a look at what may be causing it. 


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist



Programme Time was set to 5. Have cleared it but at every switch on still no output for several minutes and then everything works fine. 

Hate power cycling because I have to calibrate the monitor again which should be cleared with upgrading the software.

After this run I will update the software and see if my 2 problems go away. 



  • 4 weeks later...

Updated to .4 but when loading the last show file there are no descriptions on the cues and stepping through the cues does nothing to the lights but the normal lights through dimmer packs work from the sliders.

Also the moving heads don't settle down. Still occasional flashes of colour from them and operating the sliders for the normal dimmer pack lights causes interaction with the moving heads.

I've upgraded to .4 but still the same! Any ideas?



Hi Jim,

It sounds like there is a patching issue if the Channel faders controlling the dimmers are affecting the movers, so check the DMX addresses. 

Feel free to email me your show file with the list of problems you are experiencing, and I’ll take a look to find the cause of the issues. 


Edward Smith
Formerly: Zero 88 Product Specialist - Email Support
Currently: Obsidian Control Systems Product Specialist

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