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Smart tag


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Please free to correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is that SmartTag will basically record everything that is required to ensure the look you set up on stage is recorded as seen.

If you are unsure of how to work with tracking then it is the easy option for ensuring your cue's are recorded correctly. 


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Yes, that's correct.

The rules are along the lines of "snapshot" (record absolutely everything) except for:

  • Ignore fixtures at 0%
  • Ignore parameters which are the same as the previous cue (or default if you're recording the first cue)

This is helpful, as it avoids any "blocked" values being recorded (in tracking mode, blocked values are values which are recorded even though they are identical as the previous cue, and so don't need to be stored again).

Jon Hole
Global Product Manager, Systems and Control

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23 hours ago, Jon Hole said:
  • Ignore fixtures at 0%

Hi Jon,

Regards my ongoing query about how to handle gobo rotators that only have a beamshape attribute and thus not getting recorded with SmartTag, do you think that adding an intensity channel to the gobo rotator fixture definition and defaulting this to 100%/255 would be the best workaround? Can you see any downside of this "phantom" intensity channel? Could it be a virtual intensity channel that wasn't set to scale any other parameter or is that a "fudge" too far?

The other way would be to create a composite fixture with a lantern/dimmer as we'd do with a colour scroller.



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  • 2 years later...

Hey everyone I am a bit confuse of what you are all talking about. 

So does it mean that Smart tag is just another name of tracking mode?  As JWylie91 said, the smart tag will record everything (Let say I selected channel 3 @30% to update cue 1. Does it meaning that I will update all channel 3 into @30 in my show?)

If the smart tag work in this way, can I un-select several cues so that I can avoiding fading up wrong channel in that several cues?

Sorry I am still digging into this console as no one knows how to use in my Uni.


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Hi Gabriel,

Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. 

2 hours ago, Gabriel Lau said:

So does it mean that Smart tag is just another name of tracking mode?

No, SmartTag is a function, that allows the console to do a bit of work in the background, to make sure what you see on stage at the point of pressing RECORD, is what you’ll get when you play it back. Without SmartTag, only “tagged” values get stored. You can therefore toggle this option on/off to choose how you wish to program on the console.

By “tagged”, we mean values you have manually changed, not values from other cues. 

For more information on this, see below...


Tracking is as you describe, where if you add a fixture in, it will stay there until it’s told to go off. 

2 hours ago, Gabriel Lau said:

Sorry I am still digging into this console as no one knows how to use in my Uni.

May I ask which ZerOS console you have, and what uni you’re at? Feel free to email me this info if you’d prefer. 

If you’d like to go in-depth, take a look at our training sessions below...


In particular, check out our session on Tracking, including SmartTag...

Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Gabriel,

No problem, thanks for the information. 

Just so you are aware, those training sessions are primarily for our FLX consoles, but as Solution XL runs the same software as FLX, most will be applicable to Solution XL too. Some of the buttons you see will be different though. 

If you have any other questions whilst you learn the console do let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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