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LED snap in cue stack


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I just updated my leapfrog 96 to the new software, I manage to figure everything except in the cue sections.

When I program any RGB led, it won't fade, they just snap.  I even change the color fade time up to 5 min, didn't work.

I try 2 different options of fixtures, RGB no virtual dimmer 3ch and the regular 3ch with dimmer, no luck.

I try non-tracking and every tracking options, disable the colors I am not using with the clear button.

I pressed setup and go and make sure colors is on.

I changed the home/default setting of the lamp.


I factory reset the board 3-4 times, I try to downgrade the console but it didn't work, it says no loading files, I even try installing 7.8.4 on a key using the master mode.


Right now I don't know what to do, it's the same set up I'm using for years.


thanks to anyone who can help me!


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After a Factory Reset/Fresh ZerOS install, the default Colour Fade time for cues will be 3 seconds, therefore you should never see colour snapping in cues, or when pushing up Playbacks. A 3Ch RGB Virtual Dimmer would be the best 3 channel RGB fixture to use.

You may find that when you push one Playback up with a colour on, and then push a second Playback up with a different colour programmed on it, you will see a snap. This is due to the fact colour follows LTP (Latest Takes Precedence) rules. You can stop this from happening however, by going into the Settings of the Playback that you want to fade over the top of the other, and enable a setting called "Fader Controls Colour". This will then scale the colour with the fader movement. To enter a Playback's Settings, hold SETUP + tap the Playback's button.

Thierry mentions RigSync. This is a software feature that runs in the background, that can patch your lighting rig for you, and manage the setup. You can read a little more about it here...

RigSync uses RDM, and can cause cheaper, non-DMX compliant fixtures to flicker. This however doesn't seem to be what you are describing, as RigSync is disabled by default on Leapfrogs.

Feel free to attach a show file that has the issue in, and I can take a look at it and see where the problem lies.

Any queries let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Scloue,

is it a led-chaser wich won‘t fade just snap?

i tried it on my leapfrog and had the same effect.

in your playback-parameters you can choose the chaser you will edit. Here you find an parameter-window where you can change the parameters of the playbacks. In this window you can change the „attribute fade percentages“. Change the ‚colour‘ attribute to 100% an you will get your chaser fade instead of snap. The factory default setting is intensity 100% and colour 0% but your leds will need the colour attribute changed to 100%.


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