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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

feature request - template files

brian hutchison

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Hi! A really useful feature for use in venues would be "template files", i.e. read-only show files which can't be (easily) edited, just loaded and then saved with a different name as a normal showfile. This allows the desk to easily be set to a clean starting state without relying on keeping a file on an external stick or user discipline. Alternatively, if I've missed a way to do this already it'd be good to know!

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Hi Brian,

Thanks very much for the request. I have logged this on our software tracking system as feature request ZOS-8425.

Currently a similar way to do this is to load in "Setup & Palettes", which allows you to just load in those parts of a show file, and leave the rest of the console empty ready for programming.

Hope that helps


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Brian,

We've experimented with the idea of a "default" showfile - a specific file you could easily load (but not quite so easily overwrite - perhaps requiring a code). This was initially for an internal purpose (for use during tradeshows to revert consoles back to a default state), however it could also be useful for situations like this.

This would probably be listed under the "Source" dropdown - so you have the USB devices, and a "Default showfile" section.


Jon Hole
Global Product Manager, Systems and Control

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