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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Problems with Remote-Switches


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Hey Everybody

I am a new FLX User and i have a Problem with Macro-Remotes.

I need for a Theater-Production several Remote-Switches all over the Stage.

All the Switches remote the same Macro (recorded as Macro1, GO-Masterplayback)

In the Setup/Inputs and Outputs i choose the Remote-Switches and press the Macro Softkey.

I type the Macro-Nr. 1 than press Ok.

But somehow it doesn't take it. The Nr. is still 0.

I tried differents Macros, but the number is all the time 0.

I tried "go to" and enter a cue and this works without any trouble.


And a question...is there a possibility in the "manual Fader 2 way" mode to activate the GO Button..??


denks for Helping and sorry for my bad english...LLuk




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15 hours ago, LLuk said:

Hey Everybody

I am a new FLX User and i have a Problem with Macro-Remotes.

I need for a Theater-Production several Remote-Switches all over the Stage.

All the Switches remote the same Macro (recorded as Macro1, GO-Masterplayback)

In the Setup/Inputs and Outputs i choose the Remote-Switches and press the Macro Softkey.

I type the Macro-Nr. 1 than press Ok.

But somehow it doesn't take it. The Nr. is still 0.

I tried differents Macros, but the number is all the time 0.

I tried "go to" and enter a cue and this works without any trouble.


And a question...is there a possibility in the "manual Fader 2 way" mode to activate the GO Button..??


denks for Helping and sorry for my bad english...LLuk





After redesigning the Setup User Interface, this feature unfortunately isn't working. We have logged this as software issue reference ZOS-8379, due to be fixed in the next software release.

Apologies for this, if you require this functionality I would recommend installing ZerOS 7.9.2 here...


Any queries let me know


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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