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Output Window and Blind Mode on a S48


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Hello everybody,

I`m working with a Leapfrog 48 and - since 2 weeks - also with a FLX S48.


2 questions:

1, The outputwindow of the Leap Frog shows the "Source" button.

It´s not on the display of the FLX, but really useful to find open channels during a running show.


2, Is there a "blind mode" on the flx to program playbacks?


Great Stuff, the FLX S48!

Rock on



Leap Frog 48, LG L1730SF

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Edward,

I had a little theater show with several playbacks and cuelists on the FLX S and it took some time to find open channels.  

My opinion is that this "Source-Display" in the Output window is nothing to keep a console simple, but really helps if you have to edit a show or find open channels.

No Preview and blind ... hm ... have you ever programmed playbacks during a running show? That is not simple ... ;-)

Anyway, nice console ...


Just another question:

In the System Settings of the S48 I find the option "Show Record&Update Window".

Why is this missing on the Leap Frog48/Solution?

The Record/Update window is always on top of the Touchscreens Palettes and Groups. This is boring, especially if you want to save different palettes, you always habe to change the MFK´s on the desk. My touchscreen on the Leap Frog shows during programming 4 windows (Groups, Color, Position and Beams) and it you be nice to program all the palettes on the touchscreen without this overlay screen.


;-) Stefan


Leap Frog 48, LG L1730SF

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Hi Stefan,

On 1/20/2018 at 11:06 PM, StefanB said:

Hi Edward,

I had a little theater show with several playbacks and cuelists on the FLX S and it took some time to find open channels.  

My opinion is that this "Source-Display" in the Output window is nothing to keep a console simple, but really helps if you have to edit a show or find open channels.

No Preview and blind ... hm ... have you ever programmed playbacks during a running show? That is not simple ... ;-)

Anyway, nice console ...

Preview & Blind modes are more professional features, and so for a small simplistic console, these features had to go.

On 1/20/2018 at 11:06 PM, StefanB said:

Just another question:

In the System Settings of the S48 I find the option "Show Record&Update Window".

Why is this missing on the Leap Frog48/Solution?

The Record/Update window is always on top of the Touchscreens Palettes and Groups. This is boring, especially if you want to save different palettes, you always habe to change the MFK´s on the desk. My touchscreen on the Leap Frog shows during programming 4 windows (Groups, Color, Position and Beams) and it you be nice to program all the palettes on the touchscreen without this overlay screen.

;-) Stefan


Thanks very much for the request, I have logged this on our software tracker as ZOS-8426.

Any queries let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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