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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Yves,

very nice LASER ... how do you control it ?

is there a computer with controlling software or

has it a DMX interface ?

Sebastian H.

Pro - Sound Showtechnik

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.

Albert Einstein

"You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun"

Al Capone


So your laser has to be ethernet controlled or have you got an additional controller card esp. for the laser ?

I ´am curius about that because I´ve never haerd about ethernet controlled lligting things exept the iLight Products and eCue Media engine ...

Sebastian H.

Pro - Sound Showtechnik

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.

Albert Einstein

"You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun"

Al Capone


at the moment the card is in an external box, because we ordered an other type which wasn't finished yet. The new one will be integrated in the laser.

It's possible that you haven't heard about this method, becouse we're using software that is made by the company where we bought the laser.

I'll take this friday some pics of the case and the controller, hopefully you then get a better idea of how the laser is controlled.


Thanks Yves

we will see ...

have fun on friday ... :)

Sebastian H.

Pro - Sound Showtechnik

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.

Albert Einstein

"You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun"

Al Capone

  • 4 weeks later...

link fixed.

we made a new site so all the pics are moved


Btw: I'll put the pictures of the controller a.s.a.p. on-line.

there is a new software-card installed so I haven't got a chanse to make some pics :oops:

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