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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Brace yourself it's Panto time


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So it's Panto time and I'm back on the Solution desk after 12 months off, freshly upgraded to 7.9.3, and trying to decipher my notes from the training day at Cwmbran.  Questions likely to be coming from every rehearsal, starting with...

How do I play in a sub-playback while I'm running a master playback? The Master fader must be up for master playback but down for sub-playback.

Thanks in advance & Merry Christmas to all on here.


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Hi Simon,

There's no reason the Master Playback fader needs to be down to play one of the other Playbacks (the old "submasters" are now also called "playbacks" in the new software).

When you use multiple Playbacks at the same time, the intensities will mix "Highest Takes Precedence" (HTP) and the attributes (Position, Colour, Beamshape) will mix "Latest Takes Precedence" (LTP).


Jon Hole
Global Product Manager, Systems and Control

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hm.  Not how it seemed to be working for me but I was using a showfile from the old version of Solution 7.1?  With the Master fader up and a Master Playback cue active, fading up Playback 1 had no effect (even though light X had value 0 under Master playback and value 100 under Playback 1).  Fading down the Master Playback effectively cross-faded between the Master Cue and Playback one.

I tried deleting the old showfile and building a new one from scratch and this time it worked as you describe, so I think this may be something about the old showfile with new software.  I've recorded this effect here in case it's of any use to other users. I'll send a copy of the showfile offline.

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Hi Simon,

Hope you're well. I have replied to your email, but this issue seemed to have been caused by the Master Playback being set to LTP (Latest Takes Precedence) Intensity Mixing in it's Settings. Setting this back to HTP resolved the issue.

Hope that helps, any queries let me know.

Kind regards

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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