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I never had a FLX nor a FLX-S in my hands; just played with Pantom-OS

there is one crucial question :

it seems to me that FLX and FLX-S don't have the Effect-Edit-Window as it is present on Solution and Orbs
this window allows actually a very sophisticated creation and edition of personalized "enhanced" effects; getting and setting oscillators for every single attribute independently !
while there is no functionality for "matrix-control" nor "sub-fixtures" in Zero-OS; this "effect-edit-window" on Orb and Solution allows us to create some matrix and/or subfixture effects (as one can find natively on Grand-MA or Congo...) - for example creating "internal" chases or flickers on Sunstrips or individual Rainbows on Led-Bars affecting each lamp individually etc...)
I did not find such an editor on FLX nor on FLX-S, so I guess it does not exist... right ? (maybe I am wrong ?)

and this raises two questions :
what happens when I import an existing show (created on Orb or Solution) with sophisticated effect-editions into FLX-S ???
and what happens when I import an existing FLX-S show into the Phantom-OS (or hardware) of Solution, than edit my effects (for example on Sunstrips) and than re-import that edited Show into FLX-S again ?? will the "sophisticated effects"  run correctly ??
can we import "enhanced" effect-palletts created on Solution into FLX-S; and will they work, even if there is actually no possibility to crete those pallets on an FLX-S desk ??

one more question : on FLX-S there is an Output-Window (which shows only the fixture intensity output - not the DMX or attributs-output), but I did not found the DMX-Output-Window (which would allow to verify DMX-Outputs) - does such a Window exist ? or not ?

note : I perfectly understand that the FLX-S are low-budget-consoles and they seem already quite rich for ther price ! no worry about that and I would not expect more...
I am just wondering what happens with shows created on more sophisticated consoles and then imported into FLX-S ... -> and as there is no DMX-Output-window (say, I couldn't find it), there seems no way to "verify" without having the actual hardware desk.....:)

1 hour ago, ziglight said:

I did not find such an editor on FLX nor on FLX-S, so I guess it does not exist... right ? (maybe I am wrong ?)

It's available on FLX, but not FLX S. On FLX, we've combined the two windows into two tabs of the same window - open the Effects window (press Effect) and then open the "Waveform" tab long the top.

1 hour ago, ziglight said:

what happens when I import an existing show (created on Orb or Solution) with sophisticated effect-editions into FLX-S ???
and what happens when I import an existing FLX-S show into the Phantom-OS (or hardware) of Solution, than edit my effects (for example on Sunstrips) and than re-import that edited Show into FLX-S again ?? will the "sophisticated effects"  run correctly ??

This still works absolutely fine, in "both directions".

1 hour ago, ziglight said:

can we import "enhanced" effect-palletts created on Solution into FLX-S; and will they work, even if there is actually no possibility to crete those pallets on an FLX-S desk ??

If you save them as an Effect Palette, and that palette is within range (48 palettes on FLX S24, 96 palettes on FLX S48) then yes - you can access them. All the functionality is available, just not the window (tab) itself.

1 hour ago, ziglight said:

on FLX-S there is an Output-Window (which shows only the fixture intensity output - not the DMX or attributs-output), but I did not found the DMX-Output-Window (which would allow to verify DMX-Outputs) - does such a Window exist ? or not ?

On FLX and FLX S, DMX Output Window can be found in the Z button > System Information > DMX Outputs


okey, thanks for all these useful infos... :)

I just couldn't find the "Z-button" on FLX-S in Pantom-OS (did not realize that Shift=Z....)
things are clearer now ! and I found the DMX-Output-Window and can verify all these things by myself !! :) thanks for your help !

  • 1 month later...

will the flx-s ever get an update for the fx engine so that you can create fx like with the flx?

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