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WYSIWYG and Phantom ZerOS


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Looking at designing a show on PC with WYSIWYG. Absolute beginner to networking so if anyone could talk me through the process that would be great.

Not sure whether I will do it all on 1 PC or on 2 separate machines, so If you could explain both that would be great!

Using an Orb XF and most current WYSIWYG (R39)


Thanks Guys

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Hi Tom,

Simplest option is to just output Art-Net or streaming ACN from the ORB XF straight into WYSIWYG. This can't be done from Phantom ZerOS unless you purchase the "Phantom ZerOS Unlock Dongle".

If you don't need to use WYSIWYG, and can use Capture instead, we have demo showfiles (for both your laptop and the ORB XF), along with PDF instructions, available to download here: http://eatonfilesharing.box.com/Zero88. You can use Phantom ZerOS free of charge using CITP.

Let us know the setup and we can give you more specific information.


Jon Hole
Global Product Manager, Systems and Control

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Thanks for your reply,

Potentially I do go down the Capture route, my current job means I don't always have access to the desk so to be able to program with the phantom would be useful. 

A couple more questions if that is ok.

Will I notice any massive differences between capture and WYSIWYG or are they fairly comparable?

What is CITP?

My Set up will probably be one laptop running it all (Visualiser and Phantom) when travelling, 2 separate machines one running Phantom, one the visualiser when at home, then console and visualiser in the venue (If it is easy enough to interchange between those operation modes)



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29 minutes ago, Tom_OrbXF said:

Will I notice any massive differences between capture and WYSIWYG or are they fairly comparable?

They're different, but both aiming to achieve the same end result. You can download a demo version of Capture (which works for 90 minutes and then needs to be restarted, and doesn't allow you to save) to see if you like it - http://www.capturesweden.com/


What is CITP?

CITP stands for "Controller Interface Transport Protocol" - it's an Ethernet based "protocol" that allows consoles to talk to visualisers etc. It was originally developed by the team at Capture, but it open for anyone to use. There is more info here: http://www.citp-protocol.org/


My Set up will probably be one laptop running it all (Visualiser and Phantom) when travelling, 2 separate machines one running Phantom, one the visualiser when at home, then console and visualiser in the venue (If it is easy enough to interchange between those operation modes)

Yes, that should be easy. Phantom ZerOS uses networks setup through Windows, so to change IP addresses etc, you do this through Windows, and then just select the IP address in Phantom. If using the same laptop, you can choose the IP address.


Jon Hole
Global Product Manager, Systems and Control

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Hi Tom,

Have you got a Phantom Unlock Dongle plugged in to the laptop running Phantom and ensured that the ArtNet settings match those on Capture? (for example a matching Universe for each port).

What are the IP addresses and subnets of the 2 laptops?

I would set one to be: (subnet of
and the other to be: (subnet of

Have you tried plugging both laptops into an Ethernet switch, rather than directly into the other laptop?

On Phantom, in Setup (SHIFT + F10) under "Network Devices" do you see the Capture Laptop appear?

Kind regards

Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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