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LF96 wheel damaged

Sean Sweeney

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Hi there


I works at a secodnary school and one of the little darlings has pushed one of the control wheels on a LF96 through the desk top.


the clips all appear intact.


is this a straight forward repair icna do myslef, if so how do I gain access?


If not, do you have a contractor nearby for this type of service?


I am in North London.






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Hi Sean,

Yes this is a fairly easy fix if you feel confident opening up the console. You'll need to open up the console by taking out the screws on the sides of the console. The front panel will then hinge away from the base tray. Be careful doing this as there are ribbon cables linking the front panel and base tray together. You will then be able to access the wheel that's fallen out, and pressing either side push the clips in and push the wheel through and it will clip in.

You may find it easier to take the bezel off first. You can do this from the front and prise it out with a flat screwdriver- the clips are at the top and bottom so be careful not to snap them off.

Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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The OPs picture shows a green facia - so it looks like a Mk1 Leap Frog (FrogOS) rather than a Leap Frog 48/96 (ZerOS)... So this thread is in the wrong Forum and we need to be careful to give the correct advice for this particular console due to the ambiguous naming.



Maybe you could clarify which side screws need removing as I suspect this is not all of them. For example on a Fat Frog, only the two lowest ones need to be removed to get into the system tray for e.g. replacing the coin cell. On a Leap Frog with the bigger chassis, maybe more need to be removed, but possibly not all - which would result in all metalwork coming apart in big mess!

To the OP:

Before you go in there, get yourself a CR2032 coin cell, and whilst you're fixing the wheel, replace the motherboard battery at the same time.

See: http://support.zero88.com/Consoles/ORB-XF/975067721/Replacement-Battery-Information.htm

And also maybe check the software version you're running. Your desk looks to me to be a Mk1 Leap Frog, in which case the latest FrogOS software is 10.12: http://support.zero88.com/Legacy-products/Legacy-Consoles/Frog-Series/975242041/Frog-Series-Overview-Software.htm


IanK - get on this one quick!



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Hi Kevin,

This is the newer Leapfrog 96 - the key above the thumb wheel is a "SHIFT" key rather than "WHEEL GROUP", and there are 5 MFKs rather than 6 Fixture buttons above the LCD. 

Therefore the latest release software is ZerOS available here...

The screws you need to remove on either side are shown in the diagram below, only open consoles up if you are competent to do so.

Hope that helps, any queries let me know



Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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13 minutes ago, kgallen said:

Cunning! Thumbs-up. Thanks Edward - I thought the ZerOS LF48/96's were blue. Is my CR2032 comment valid for this desk?

Ah no Illusion 500s and Alcora MKII were blue! Yes CR2032 batteries do fit in Leapfrog 96 consoles.

But to Sean the OP, don't worry about doing a battery change if you're not bothered, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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22 hours ago, kgallen said:

Edward - in LF48/96 does the battery retain showfile information or just time/date like Jon says for FLX?


(Honest, I'll let you have some peace and quiet in a minute...!)

On ZerOS consoles (ETX), batteries store some of the showfile.

Changes you make are stored on RAM, powered by the battery. When this RAM becomes full (or certain other triggers, such as leaving SETUP), this data is transferred onto FLASH, and so the battery is no longer required.

So the battery stores whatever changes have been made, since the last transfer to FLASH. Therefore, if the battery dies, it can be like going back in time - you can lose a couple of cues, or updates you made to fade times for example.

Hope that helps,


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Sean - if you decide to open the case yourself - be aware of the earth/shield wire between the bottom tray and the front panel boards, it can be a pain maneouvering stuff if you don't release it (it's on cross head screws) - that screw you find when you put the case back together? It's the screw from the shield wire...


(Yes - did it at least once... :P )

Ian Knight aka The Service Guy - www.serviceguy.co.uk

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Sean,

ZerOS 7.9.4 will probably be released next week, so you may want to delay updating.

The Solution Manual, plus the release notes of each software release since the manual (currently just 7.9.3) is exactly what you need.


Jon Hole
Global Product Manager, Systems and Control

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