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Colour Pallettes - Colour Logo's disappearing, not right colour........


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Hi All.


I am going back to stage one to set up my desk as I have quickly realised that the programming becomes so much easier with a healthy and flexible set of pallettes available.


Unfortunately when playing with the colour pallettes when automatically creating them there are a number that appear without the colour slash (logo) indicator on them, a number that appear with the wrong colour slash (logo) indicator and a few which repeat the colour but with either no or the wrong colour slash (logo) indicator. Am I doing something wrong.....??


Any help much appreciated please.

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If they are colours C14 onwards (I.e. not the default palettes created by the desk which are C1 to C13, see manual) then this could suggest bad colour detail in the fixture profiles youre using.

There is a bug which shows some whites with an empty/black sample.


Also it;s possible that lots of the generated colour palettes relate to a "colour wheel" definition in the fixture definition. The fixture may have to have another control channel set for these to work. I had some confusion with this recently: http://zero88.com/forum/topic/8004-zeros-79260/#entry31152


(That post is on the beta-test forum which might not be visible to you. The essence of the text was:


"Initially no fixture selected - all boxes grey.

Select RGBWA LED fixture (54@25 Enter)

Some boxes turn blue - 1C through 13C which are the desk "auto generated" colours, then a bunch of palettes extracted from the detail tab in the fixture definition. This latter bunch do work, but are settings from a "colour wheel" set of fixture predefined colours, so don't actually work unless another fixture channel (under beamshape as we often do for "control" channels) is set appropriately."


(Sorry about poor initial reply - tricky using a phone when it keeps auto-"correcting" for you :huh: )

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If they are colours 14 On wears a (I.e. not the default palettes created by the desk) then this could suggest bad colour detail in the fixture profiles youre using.

Thanks..... I have not played with the fixture editor as yet so will have a look...... I was trying to keep away from it but hey ho.... time to dive in.

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Hi Mac,


Feel free to send me your showfile for me to take a look at the cause.

The only time a colour swipe shouldn't be applied to colour palettes containing just RGB data is if you have many lights selected in different colours when you Record your palette.



Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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