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FLX one to one training..... and happy to pay for it....?


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Hi FLX guru's. I have just taken hold of an FLX desk and a wing. I am well educated in the general approach to setting up a controller and using it. My experience to date has been on Freestyler but obviously the FLX has more to offer. There are so many questions and ideas I have for the set up but find the new programming and execution approach of the FLX a little extraordinary. No besmirch to Zero88 it is just my previous experience that is lacking to transition to use the desk.


Is there anyone out there that would be happy to put a couple of hours a week aside and via Skype tutor me through the fundamentals please.


I have an event in Sep I am working towards with a new controller (FLX) and fixtures so a complete step change from what I am used to. I just come across some stuff that is not on the logical thought process and need that in depth knowledge.


Happy to pay for the guidance.


Just to say the Zero 88 team have been great and I have been on a training course with them. I just feel that some one to one understanding what I have and where I want to go would be a huge advantage to me.


If you can help please message me.


Best Rgds



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Hi Mac,


I'm more than happy to help you with this, I'm sure others on the forum will be too!

If you think it would help you're welcome to come to the office and I'll give you some one to one training.

If you'd rather do it in the comfort of your own home I'm happy to do Skype calls, just let me know what works best for you.

Feel free to PM me or send an email to my address below...


Kind regards


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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Hi Mac,


I'm more than happy to help you with this, I'm sure others on the forum will be too!

If you think it would help you're welcome to come to the office and I'll give you some one to one training.

If you'd rather do it in the comfort of your own home I'm happy to do Skype calls, just let me know what works best for you.

Feel free to PM me or send an email to my address below...


Kind regards


Thanks very much Ed, email on the way.

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