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Thinking of getting a Zero88 FLX desk..... Thoughts Please....?

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Hi, I have been in contact with Zero88 and am due to visit them soon to have a look at the FLX desk. I am reasonably new to lighting control (4 years on Freestyler) but controlling some reasonably large local festivals.


I was wondering if there are any views on this desk i.e. will it suit a reasonable beginner, is it good for busking, is it easy to use namely programming and on a live show especially busking. I have done my homework with AVO but simply do not wish to spend over the top if I dont need it.


I have had a good read of the forum and have had independent input but wondered what you good folks think please....??


GRRRRR!!! :angry::angry::angry::angry:


JonHole, please will you sort out the forum software on this website so it doesn't let unauthorised (not logged in) users post replies?? I just wrote a whole response to uriahdemon and hit post, but rather than it saying "sorry, please log in and I'll post what you wrote" it says "go away, you aren't signed in, and there's no hope of getting back at the content you just wrote"!


Sorry Uriah, I'm not rewriting the whole post, but basically I said yes to FLX for what you want it for.



JonHole, please will you sort out the forum software on this website

It's a work in progress, but by doing so we've set of a chain reaction which has become an enormous job. In short, to upgrade the forum we need to support a different version of PHP. To do that, we need to migrate to another server. However that server doesn't appear to support older versions of PHP, which in turn breaks the software that manages our knowledgebase, software downloads and legacy product information. So first we're migrating all that information, then we can migrate servers, then we can upgrade the forum.


It's a work in progress, but by doing so we've set of a chain reaction which has become an enormous job. In short, to upgrade the forum we need to support a different version of PHP. To do that, we need to migrate to another server. However that server doesn't appear to support older versions of PHP, which in turn breaks the software that manages our knowledgebase, software downloads and legacy product information. So first we're migrating all that information, then we can migrate servers, then we can upgrade the forum.

Excellent - pleased to hear it. :)


I know all about supporting versions of PHP and upgrading servers so I don't envy the task, but now I know it's in progress I'll stop pestering you - for a day or two at least.


Hi Uriah,


In my opinion FLX will be the best console out of the product range to suit your gigs.

It's hardware is ideal for busking using Playbacks, User Defined Keys and Palettes with Programmer Time.


It's certainly going to be a big improvement on Freestyler, and yet still be easy to get to grips with.




GRRRRR!!! :angry::angry::angry::angry:


JonHole, please will you sort out the forum software on this website so it doesn't let unauthorised (not logged in) users post replies?? I just wrote a whole response to uriahdemon and hit post, but rather than it saying "sorry, please log in and I'll post what you wrote" it says "go away, you aren't signed in, and there's no hope of getting back at the content you just wrote"!


Sorry Uriah, I'm not rewriting the whole post, but basically I said yes to FLX for what you want it for.


Thanks Peter, much appreciated and sorry you had a painful route to a thumbs up !!

Hi Uriah,


In my opinion FLX will be the best console out of the product range to suit your gigs.

It's hardware is ideal for busking using Playbacks, User Defined Keys and Palettes with Programmer Time.


It's certainly going to be a big improvement on Freestyler, and yet still be easy to get to grips with.



Thanks Edward, much appreciated. Do you have this opinion based on using Freestyler and then swapping over to an FLX.....???


Not personally no, however knowing what Freestyler is like and knowing how user-friendly FLX is, I'm sure you'd find it a pain free and beneficial improvement!




It sounds like you're already planning to see the desk "in real life" - we always recommend this method... there's no better way to decide if a console is suitable for you than to get in front of one and play with it for an extended period of time


I can recommend doing a Zero88 training day, you get to have a play with the desk and learn the basics of using it. It's a brilliant desk, especially for what you want.



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