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Has anyone had any scroll wheel issues since the updating to ZerOS 7.9.2? I used to be able to use the Fine settings (wheel behaviour: Absolute) and have each click of the scroll wheel change the settings by 1. Now with the update the Fine setting requires multiple rotations just to change something (for example: spin the wheel about 10 - 15 times to change pan from 50 to 51).


Hmm I haven't got a console in front of me to have a play with this, but I can't say I've noticed since the update.

Remember you can change the global encoder sensitivity in SETUP -> System Settings.




The global encoder sensitivity seems not to do anything. I have it set on 60 but changing it doesn't change how the scroll wheel works (I've tried almost everything between 0 and 100).


I just got this message from Jon Hole about wheel behaviour:


I'm spending the next three days reviewing various features, including the ones you've highlighted, with our lead Software Developer for ZerOS. Until then, if you use proportional wheel mode, you can access the Fine control by moving the wheel slowly – as you speed up the movement you turn the wheel, the more course the control becomes.



So it sounds like the software has changed since the update and the solution to using the fine controls is to change it to proportional and move it slowly.

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