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Hi Guys

Can you help me with a fixture profile for each of the following to whack into a FLX desk, please? I've emailed FixtureSupport@ as well, but just in case.
Elation Fuze Wash Z350
ADJ Encore Profile 1000WW
Links to user manuals below.
Many thanks,
Richard Whennell


Whilst I'm sure that with more time free than I have and the guiding hand of someone just like you to help me figure out how to do what you did in 3 seconds flat, I am extremely grateful for the swift response and your efforts.


We don't actually own the lights yet...our fit out is going to happen in a couple of weeks, but I thought I'd get on to anticipated hold-ups ahead of time, not knowing that you'd be quite so blinkin' efficient!


Forgive the green-ness, but do I put these on a USB stick and import them somehow? Formatted as Fat32?


I promise to report back that you have sorted it as soon as we are up and running.






Hi Edward

Inspired by your speed and the desire to see what this data looks like, I installed Virtualbox on my Mac and downloaded the editing tool. Cool stuff!


Question please... on the Fuzewash Z350, if the Shutter parameter default is 0, and the DMX value range from 0-31 is for LED OFF, does the dimmer intensity override this and turn the LED on as the intensity value rises, or should the Shutter default be set to 32 to have the LED on by default?


I've gone ahead and filled in some of the extra parameters and value ranges...don't know if they'll be of any particular use unless they come up visually on the desk somewhere when the values change.


Thanks again,



Hi Richard


To add these fixture files into your FLX, save them onto a memory stick (FAT32 is fine), and plug the memory stick into FLX.

Make you are running the latest software (ZerOS 7.9.2).

Go into SETUP -> Load Files -> select and click enter on your fixture files.

These are now loaded into the console and can be seen as a User Fixture in the normal Patch Wizard.


In terms of fixture defaults, it's sometimes best to set these in the console itself, when you have the fixture in front of you and can visually see what it's doing.

To edit these defaults patch your fixtures using the Patch Wizard, and then go into the Edit Fixtures screen (all within SETUP). Along the top of the screen you will find 5 tabs containing different values you can edit for each fixture. Ensure you are in DEFAULT, and press GROUP to cycle through your different fixture types until you get to the fixture you want to edit. You can then scroll across to for example the shutter field and change it to whatever value you wish. You can do the same for the Home tab.


Hope this helps


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