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Effect Intensity Chase with subfixtures (Sunstrip active)


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Hi Folks,


I run into severe Problems while trying to create an Intensity Chase for a Sunstrip active fixture (Unsing the fixture from the library which has Ten subfixtures.)


How can i manage to create an Effect with only a Single (random or in sequence) subfixture turned on each step while all others are turned off?


Fast help is appreciated, Running the show the upcoming evening.


Thanks a Lot!

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Hi, probably a little late to answer this one (always use our official support lines - email or phone - for urgent help).


I always patch sunstrips as 10 separate dimmer channels. It makes it way easier to control, and it means you can use the "offset" encoder in the effects window (hold down SHIFT whilst moving the offset encoder to "fan" the offset across the fixtures)

Jon Hole
Global Product Manager, Systems and Control

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Hi Jon,

thank your for the answer, i still appreciate it.

Your approach might work if one has only a few suntrips installed...but what about setups with lot's of em, while needing some more pages for your show?

I recall something you told last year at the prolight and sound fair in frankfurt about moving to corallon fixture library and making adressing of the subfixture-type-fixtures a lot more easier. Can you give a timeline or at least give a short status update about that? Is this still a path you're following up with FLX and zerOS?

Furthermore i'd like to see something like an easy to use "pattern-generator" for fixtures like sunstrips in a future software update, where you want some blocks to be highlighted and some not, maybe similar to the JB licon1 pattern generator that was really easy to use. Perhaps this could also be realized with the effects-section already, i don't know.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Jon,


i'll just push this thread because i'm still interested in the long-term perspective regarding the carallon fixture library or at least a better way to handle fixtures like sunstrips, all the "subfixture-type-fixtures".


Secondly maybe the idea with the "pattern generator" is worth noting as a suggestion. I don't know, how do you guys out there tackle the problem to generate chases for subfixture-type-fixtures like Sunstrips Active? I'd love some hints on how to do that usin the effects-section.


Thanks very much.


Best Regards


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Hi Laubfrosch,


thanks for your advise. You are right this is a workaround and will do for a few fixtures...but i don't think this really a long-term solution, as you said.

In case of a few sunstrips that might work - but let's crank up the amount of sunstrips or use something like the clay paky aleda beyes. I'm really looking forward to a software upgrade for this kinde of stuff - prolight & sound fair isn't very far away, maybe there will be some news concerning this issue?

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 years later...

    Small question, if you solve this problem, we will be able to connect 10 dimmer chanels on one fixture, and so, extend the limitation of the controller. Is it because of this you didn't solve this problem or is it really a so big technical issue? I mean.. 4 years to fix a problem on a very popular fixture..

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Hi Gabriel,

ZerOS 7.9.8 software, introduced our new format library. This will enable us to implement "multi-cell" fixture support, for more elegant control of sunstrips, LED battens etc.

In the meantime, patching individual sunstrip lamps as individual dimmers is the best approach - this is fine on consoles without fixture number limits such as FLX, however will quickly eat into your fixture count on FLX S consoles.

If you have any questions let me know.


Edward Smith
Product Specialist
Email Support

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