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Good Morning,


I've had my ML24 a few months now and find it to be a brilliant desk. I've run a couple of shows on it without any problems and have done so without using the palettes I've finally got round to having time to learn to program the colour palettes etc. The question I have is when I load a show that I have saved to memory stick this wipes out all the palettes that I have programmed and so do I need to save them first. We have loads of events in school that just require a basic light set up with some colour etc. I would like to be able to utilise the palettes more as I don't always want/need a que stack but if I keep having to program them every time this would make it very time consuming.


many thanks





Hi Mark,


Yes - when you save a show, we save the whole desk state - so that's memories, submasters, palettes, fixtures, settings etc etc


Inside the setup, we have a "Clear Memories / Submasters" option. Lot's of people use this when starting a new show, as it means they can keep their DMX patch, palettes, other settings etc. You can then save this as a new show, so you still have your old one.


Hope this makes sense?




Thanks Jon,


Funny enough i saved my base set up yesterday, i have my submasters already set up with a quick patch so didn't fancy killing them off and I've set up a few basic colours and positions on my palettes. So if i then build a show from this i can save that show to stick? if i then delete the subs/memories and reload my base set up will the sub i have programmed come over as well?


So if i then build a show from this i can save that show to stick?

Yes - inside setup (SHIFT + MODE together) there's a <Save Show> option.

if i then delete the subs/memories and reload my base set up will the sub i have programmed come over as well?

As long as the Sub was there when you saved the show, when you reload the show, the submaster will come back.

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