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I never had a try on FLX, just reading some topics in the user-manual

did I understand right that the Masters are now operating as Content-Masters ? and not like before as unique Sub-Master (like on Frog, Orb and Solution etc...)


are these Masters on FLX as flexible as in the Cobalt desks/software ?? (possibility to get ANYTHING on a Master (groups, memories, presets, sequences, palettes, effects a.s.o.....)

or is it only concerning presets (Subs and chases) and sequences (cue-stacks)


Hi Ziglight,



Terminology is different between manufactures. We've removed the idea of our old "submasters" from FLX, and given you 241 "playbacks" (aka Cue Stacks). A cuestack can have a whole state, or you can be very specific with what's recorded onto them, so if you want just a colour palette's information, you can record a "cue" with just that colour information, which references back to the colour palette.


Effects can be required directly into a cue too, and a playback can be turned into a chase very easily.


If there's a specific function you would like to know about, let me know what you'd like to achieve, and I'll let you know if it's possible.


the new concept of the Cobalt is really amazing; the Masters (are just containers) are in fact acting as the MFKs in ZerOS but with faders in option (plus a second flash-button)

each Master-Strip has a fader and two flash buttons and a LCD-screen

it is possible to get whatever you want onto this Strip :

this can be a pallet, a submaster, a Cue/preset, a group, a chase an effect, a sequence, just a dimmer or whatever

the screen shows up what we get on the strip/fader... the flash buttons can act as select, tap (for chases), flash, go, on/off, trigger; quick-access for pallets, or whatever...

the fader acts on the intensity (example for a whole group of fixtures etc...)


this is just incredible liberty to configure the desk for the personal workflow...


so two of my questions concerning the FLX :

is-it possible to charge a (previous created) fixture-group into a master and control the intensity and selection of this group ?? (the flash-button acts as group-selection and the fader act as master intensity) -> this is not the same than creating a Submaster with xx fixtures ! in my question-case the master don't record DMX values but only references to a group ! editing the group changes also the action of the master !


is-it possible to charge a sequence into a master and get it work by GO or by manual Crossfading or by chase (free choice !) -> this seems to be possible on FLX with the possibility of 241 sequence-stacks (if I understand well)


this can be a pallet, a submaster, a Cue/preset, a group, a chase an effect, a sequence, just a dimmer or whatever

submaster - on FLX, this is just a playback with a single cue. We've brought our sub settings over to playbacks.

cue/preset - yes

group - see below

chase - yes, when you record a second state, you can choose to record a second cue, or create a chase

effect - effects ("wave based") can be included directly within any cue

sequence - I think this is what we just call a cue stack, so yes - multiple cues can be put on any playback

dimmer - yes, the fader function button allows you to switch the 24 faders between playbacks and channels

pallet - not currently. Out of interest, what functionality would the fader do in this situation?


is-it possible to charge a (previous created) fixture-group into a master and control the intensity and selection of this group ?? (the flash-button acts as group-selection and the fader act as master intensity) -> this is not the same than creating a Submaster with xx fixtures ! in my question-case the master don't record DMX values but only references to a group ! editing the group changes also the action of the master !

We have group submasters available on ORB XF. I've added an issue to pull similar functionality into FLX, and add that the function button should act as a select button for that group.


is-it possible to charge a sequence into a master and get it work by GO or by manual Crossfading or by chase (free choice !) -> this seems to be possible on FLX with the possibility of 241 sequence-stacks (if I understand well)

Yes definitely, all 241 playbacks can have a single cue (equivalent of a "submaster"), or multiple cues (and the flash button works as a GO button), or be turned into a chase (flash button can be BMP speed etc). Any cue can contain any effect directly. ("chases" = step based, "effects" = wave based).


thanks very much for these precious informations, Jon ... :)

the FLX is very competitive in pricing (and very exciting new features) and I am just thinking to maybe resell my Solution and get a FLX.... may be maybe

but for instance I am waiting to see the further development of the Soft and Firmware (because it seems not really "finished" yet..!)


I just had three weeks working on Congo/Cobalt



pallet - not currently. Out of interest, what functionality would the fader do in this situation?

a fader could be very useful in some cases; example color pallets (without having to create Submaster for global fader-action) that works really good !! ; other possibilities of using a fader in effect or beam or global pallets for some particular attributes ; fader control on attributes is very common on other desks (and useful) !!

=> in ZerOS you offer some simular for your Submasters with the "behaviour option" - Color, Beam and Focus; but its only restricted to recorded Submasters and always tied to intensity and is not working globally on pallets, neither independent of Intensity



We have group submasters available on ORB XF. I've added an issue to pull similar functionality into FLX, and add that the function button should act as a select button for that group.

using a group on Submaster is (normally) :

selecting a group of fixtures/dimmers, than give to those fixtures Intensity (max)value and record it into a Submaster; when changing the number of fixtures or dimmers or change the max intensity value we have to update those Submasters => because the Submaster records directly the reference of each fixture (= the selection is recorded , not the group!!) and the DMX value for Intensity


Avab does it otherwise : groups are (a bit) like pallets; => select the fixtures (or dimmers) you want, give them a max-intensity and record as group !

now, when charging a group into a Master; this master just acts as the Submaster above (flash1 is selection, flash2 can be Flash or toggle or...; and fader is intensity)

but there is no fixture-numbers or selection recorded in this particular master (neither DMX adresses) but just the reference to the group-number

=> so editing the group edits directly the Master behaviour - and also the Cues where it is used (for example changing the number of fixtures or their max intensity values) => a bit the same as with pallets

and you have the choice anyway : you can record the group to a Master or the selection of a group !


another exemple : a chase can be created just in having 2 or more groups into the same Master (creates a sequence - CueStack)

flash does GO or tap-tempo; and editing is very flexible; because each chase-step is in fact nothing else than an existing group with intensity data....

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