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Hello all,


I have an old leapfrog used for a touring production but as this only has one universe it is a pain in most venues. I recently upgraded to a Solution (well in all honestly a Leapfrog 48 which had been upgraded to 4 universes). I have been lead to believe that I should be able to get the show file (.isf) from the old desk and plonk it on to the new one, which I can sort of do. All the fixtures load on to the MFKs of the 'Solution' desk and the patch. So far so good, I can also home and move most fixtures, however when I play back a memory the fixtures freak out and do everything apart from what I plotted on the Leapfrog.


I did briefly speak to Zero 88 on Thursday who said play around with tracking options which I have done (is the only way to change tracking/non tracking modes to reload the ZerOS?) and try hitting load cue and update each memory to see if that sorts it but both of these do not fix the issue. Also to try installing ZerOS 7.4 which I have done but still no change.


I have copied this show file to a Leapfrog 96 and have the same issues (running Capture Argo) and the same fault persists.


Has anyone had this issue and found a work around? At the last theatre the in house tech suggested a much earlier zerOS, I have tried 7.4 but do not have any files before this. Apparently he read that it would work on ZerOS before the new load screen, which must be a long time ago?? And then resave save the show file, then update desk to next version, load and save show file, and so on.


I also have some RGB pars which I can not get to do anything. Patch checked.


Any help or ideas to try will be gratefully received.


Big Richard









...play around with tracking options which I have done (is the only way to change tracking/non tracking modes to reload the ZerOS?) ...


No you don't need to do that. You can go into Setup > Desk Setup > Memory Defaults and change enable Tracking in there.



Sorry to push but any news??


I've looked through the files, and can't see anything you're doing wrong. I've forwarded this onto our Software Developers to ask them to have a look through what the problem could be. Sorry for the delay in this.


We've found an issue when importing old FROG showfiles that include "Virtual Intensity" fixtures - as this feature was added very late to the old FROG consoles, after the import functionality was built into ZerOS.


We will fix this in a future release of ZerOS, and we've created a "fixed" version of your showfile which I have emailed across to you.

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