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On phantom jester, on one of my pc's all the dimmer channels were viewable, so I could see the. On the monitor. On my other pc, they are not there. How can I get them onto the monitor?





As I just posted this, I loaded phantom jester (using TL) and they are there, any ideas why it's intermittent?




It's possible that they've been deleted in the showfile that's being loaded on the other computer (you can remove dimmers in SETUP, <DMX Patch> by using the syntax 49 THRU 200 @ CLEAR ).


They may have also been deleted if phantom had been opened as a Jester ML24 or Jester ML48 previously, as it could be loading that showfile, rather than a new TL Xtra one.


I'd suggest resetting the desk on Phantom and seeing if they reappear, or saving the showfile from phantom on the other computer, and then loading it onto this one.


Alternatively, you could patch the additional dimmers to give you the 200 back again.

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