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I would say that this would be a great option. We can pre-program and have a paper copy. The printed versions could be used to train someone else, show them how some functions are done, etc...

Please, how soon can this be added!!!!

Hans Devouassoux

Capital Community Church


You could always use the Windows screen-dump feature (shift->print screen) to dump the phantom frog's monitor view to the clipboard. Then paste this into any graphics application (e.g. paint) and print it from that.


yeah...but... the bullfrog has 96 channels and 24 fixtures...so a screen dump would not show all the data..it would also cost a bomb to print it out.....i assume the the patch, date is stored to a internal file..i program in c++ and vb..and well it exactly hard to make it print!! ]


and b**tch frog just crashed and i didnt save my show :?

I need a new job

  • 1 month later...

if u want 2 c all of the bullfrog on phantom then maybe u need 2 invest in a dual-head graphics card (obviously not on a laptop...)


Our pc has dual head - means u can have 2 monitors - ur cursor goes from one to the other so the bullfrog screen stretches over both.

It a really good investment - soooo useful as u can have stuff open on each screen. We'd never go back 2 just one monitor that 4 sure.



  • 4 weeks later...

There are no print options as such on the frog desks.


What type of information would you require to be printed out ?


The frog show file contains a lot of setup data, fixture personality data, as well as all the information on the programmed memories, submasters, palettes, sx buttons etc.


Depending on exactly what information you required, it may be possible to print corresponding screens from the Phantom Frog as suggested above. This is not ideal I agree, but better than nothing :)

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace


When I use my desk theatre, and using above 40 scenes. It would have been nice to have a printout of the scenes and memories. So that I can use this as a reference when going through the script with others.

  • 1 month later...

Hello Ya'll,


Using a Bullfrog..new to light programming and this board. Work for a church with volunteers. Need to keep record of the values of each channel output for consistency throughout services.


Is there a way to save to disk...these Desk Channel Outputs pages? Ulitmately, I would like to print it out and have on hand next to the lightboard to verify nothing has changed on the settings.


Thank you for helping this newbie out.




Hi, welcome to the forums :)


Well unfortunately there is no 'proper' way of printing out information as far as I know.


The Phantom Frog is a program that reproduces a visual Frog Desk on a computer, and shows that are saved onto a floppy from a desk can be loaded onto this - so basically if you've got a computer handy then you could do that. Perhaps not practical though 8O .


But why exactly do you need to print out the information? If you have all of lighting setups programmed onto submasters or memories, you could then save the show onto a floppy disk and reload whereever neccessary.




Thanks for the really quick reply sp.


I have been trying to read up on the Phantom Frog...but have not quite grasped what it is yet...gonna keep reading.


My reasoning in wanting to have a copy of the channel output is to make sure that Light so-an-so is supposed to be set at 45% and Light such-and-such is always set at 68%. This way (now keep in mind I am new to this world of programming lights) I can keep track and understand what each of our lights are doing and that the settings remain consistent.


I am sooooo open to suggestions on handing this better. Did I mention that I am new to this?


Thanks again.




The Phantom Frog can be downloaded here.


Basically, it shows a frog desk on the computer - you can use it just like an actual desk except you can't control the lights of course - great for creating shows at home etc.


My suggestion would be to have a 'setup' of all your lights that you use as you like them outputting live. Then press the 'Submasters' button and the first submaster flash button (the button under sub 1). Now press the red program button. Now, all of those lights will output at those values when submaster 1 is raised to 100%. You could do this for each 'setup' you use in your services, and would be my preferred method.


By the way, if your not already, I strongly recommend using an external keyboard and monitor - much easier.

In the manual you will find details on how to name submasters, so their name appears on the screen, thus making them easier to use.


An alternative would be to program your whole service onto the Memories Playback X stack (again described in the manual). Bascially you can program each scene in order to the stack, and just use the blue Go button to run through your service. This would work best if your services are always the same.


Then it is possible to Save all of this setup in its entirety to a Floppy Disk (explained in manual) and reload whenever neccesary.


So basically for what you're after, submasters or memories; I prefer subs but of course whatever suits you :) .



  • 9 months later...

Sorry, but there are no print functions on the desks themselves either.


One thing that has been mentioned in the past, and I stress this is only a possibility, is a PC utility that can take a show file from a frog series desk and generate a number of different reports showing cue lists, fixture assignment and patch, channel usage etc.


Frog Reference 5521 - PC Utility to export/import show data as a CSV file for use in a spreadsheet.


If there was a market out there for such a utility then we might be persuaded to produce one :wink:

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace


You could always use the same method as naming a saved show................................................................









A PEN!! :lol:

  • 11 months later...

Are there any future plans to be able to print out the patch channels for the dimmer and fixtures? Would be a nice quick way to have documnetation on how things are set up.


To clarify, start Phantom Frog, load show from your desk and from Phantom Frog, print the layout from your PC.




At the moment, there are no print options from the Phantom Frog. You could always use the Windows screen-dump feature (shift->print screen) to dump the Phantom Frog's monitor view to the clipboard. Then paste this into any graphics application (e.g. Paint) and print it from that.

  • 8 months later...

I know this thread has been beaten to death but how about talking to the guys that design/designed the output file to the floppy. There must be a way (albeit a simple one line per cue/sub etc) to convert the code that outputs the data to the floppy to a simple list style printout. The little program could be downloaded on to our pc's apples etc and then run over our floppy file(s) and `kerching`.


I am not being too simplistic am? I am a coder too and I have looked at the data file on the floppy but I havn't the time to run up something myself as I dont know the file's data format, but....... surely, some `zero88` guy must know.


Come on chaps, help us out here. You must have thought of this already as it is an easy option so what are the prob's?


Happy Christmas,






It's no so much a 'problem' as a matter of time and resources. The development of new products has to take priority over additional 'bells and whistles' being added to a product that we give away for free.


I am not saying that this feature won't be added to Phantom Frog at some point in the future, or provided as a separate PC utility, just that we are working on more important things at the moment.

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace

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