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I would like to ask if there is training available here in Dubai for zero 88. I am new to the lighting programming.

I have Jester ML 24 desk connected to 3 DTS Jack moving head but I cannot proceed with the simple programming. Everything is connected and the jester is able to control all the moving head lights.


Appreciate if you can help me in basic programming as this will be used only in a simple stage presentation.




Thank you for your post - My name is Tyler and I oversee the Sales network for the Middle East.

My advice would to contact one of our local distributors in Dubai - V.V.&Sons as they have local knowledge with the console.

your other options are to look up the manual on our website located here :


http://zero88.co.uk/... manual 3.0.pdf


Or alternativaly I will be at the up coming InfoCom trade show with V.V.&Sons in October at the World Trade Centre and I would be more than happy for you to come along and I can give you some brief programming tips and training on our Stand.



I hope this helps - Many thanks,

Tyler Holpin

Zero 88


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