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K-nine or anybody else. I'm trying to move up in skills by having some steps a little more advanced. Really, I'm trying to have the show go as smooth as I can have it. Now a couple questions, and will define them as needed between replies.


1) Can someone please explain into more complex terms, how exactly the Memory Fade Up and Fade Down Time really function?


2) How exactly the LTP fade Time is really triggered?


3) How exactly does the Memory Dwell Time really works? Also, is it for the current sequence or the following. And are the values defined in seconds or some complex mathematical function?


4) How does the Memory Trigger really works? Particularly the Auto trigger. I tried to use it, and behaved really odly.


All the above questions may seem simple, but I am trying to get somewhere with them. As some replies come in, I will be able to better define exactly which direction I'm going toward. Thanks all.





Hans Devouassoux

Capital Community Church

K-nine or anybody else. I'm trying to move up in skills by having some steps a little more advanced. Really, I'm trying to have the show go as smooth as I can have it. Now a couple questions, and will define them as needed between replies.


1) Can someone please explain into more complex terms, how exactly the Memory Fade Up and Fade Down Time really function?


2) How exactly the LTP fade Time is really triggered?


3) How exactly does the Memory Dwell Time really works? Also, is it for the current sequence or the following. And are the values defined in seconds or some complex mathematical function?


4) How does the Memory Trigger really works? Particularly the Auto trigger. I tried to use it, and behaved really odly.


All the above questions may seem simple, but I am trying to get somewhere with them. As some replies come in, I will be able to better define exactly which direction I'm going toward. Thanks all.






Yeah I really dont get Dwell Times- What are they all about.


It would be great if someone could clarify





anybody else. I'm trying to move up in skills by having some steps a little more advanced. Really, I'm trying to have the show go as smooth as I can have it. Now a couple questions, and will define them as needed between replies.


1) Can someone please explain into more complex terms, how exactly the Memory Fade Up and Fade Down Time really function?


2) How exactly the LTP fade Time is really triggered?


3) How exactly does the Memory Dwell Time really works? Also, is it for the current sequence or the following. And are the values defined in seconds or some complex mathematical function?


4) How does the Memory Trigger really works? Particularly the Auto trigger. I tried to use it, and behaved really odly.


Hi handsdev,

[*]Memory Fade Up and Down is only accroing to the HTP values stored in your memory

Let us assume that you have stored a scene with some generics and brightness of some movers.


store scene with program button

set fade up and down time to i.e. 00.02.00 (2sec)


If now this memory is invoked by go button and playback X master is full on the scene should smoothly slide in (fadeup) and fades to the next memery if you press go.


Same happens if you 'transfer with time' a mem with fadetimes to a submaster or sx button. It fades up/down automatically.


[*]LTP changes are triggerd by pressing 'go' or when memory stored on a submaster LTP values are triggered by about 3% of submaster faderlevel

but this value might changed in *superuser* > *desksetup* > *deskdefaults* > *submaster* >LTP trigger on/off, LTP Trig Lev

remember that all fixture data are LTP except the brightness.


[*] they are real time its because you can also trigger your show by real time clock or SMPTE(optional) DWELL is a kind of hold time.

If your memory must be outputted for about 5min. regardless of next trigger.


[*] Memories can be triggered by 'go button' or by SMPTE or by a real time value.

For example your show begins exactly 8:00 pm you want to have a smoke and can´t be back at 8:00 pm you can set up your 1st memory to start at 8:00 pm (fade down venue lights) and at 8:05 pm next memory (intro) etc. all automated - but its very difficult to catch the right time.

I have tried it at new years eve, desk started exactly at 00:00 o'clock

a very cool strobe and movinglight show - but band was still playing strangers in the night. 8O

Hope I don´t miss that thing.


Sebastian H.

Pro - Sound Showtechnik

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.

Albert Einstein

"You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun"

Al Capone


I think Haytech has covered most of the things you asked but here is a quick recap for you.


The Fade Up, Fade Down, LTP Fade and Dwell times are in the format mm:ss.t (minutes, seconds and tenths of a second), so 3 seconds is displayed as 00:03.0. The range of times is 00:00.0 (zero) to 99:59.9 (just under 100 minutes).


The various fade times and dwell time always relate to the incoming or Next memory on the memory stack.


For example if the current memory is 23 and the next memory 24, when you press the GO button the fades and transitions of the outputs are determined by the times programmed into memory 24.


The Fade Up and Fade down times relate to HTP data only - that is the generic channels and the brightness parameters of any fixtures set up on the desk.


As you go from the current memory to the next on the memory stack (playback X), the generic channels and fixture brightness parameters will fade according to the corresponding fade times as follows:


If the channel is going from a lower level to a higher level - it will fade up in the Fade Up time.


If the channel is going from a higher level to a lower level - it will fade down in the Fade Down time.


If the channel is programmed at the same level in both memories, it will remain at that level during the transition.


If the next memory contains fixture data, the transition of the colour, beamshape and position parameters/channels is determined by the LTP actions and the LTP fade time.


For example if the LTP fade time was 3 seconds and the colour, beamshape and position actions were set to snap, snap and fade respectively, then when you press the GO button the following will occur:


The colour parameters programmed in the next memory will snap to their programmed values.


The beamshape parameters programmed in the next memory will snap to their programmed values.


The position parameters programmed in the next memory will fade from their current value to their programmed value in the next memory in 3 seconds.


The dwell time of a memory, is only really applicable, if the following memory has an automatic trigger. It determines how long the current memory remains on the outputs before the next memory runs.


For example:

memory 7 is the current memory;

memory 8 is the next memory with fade up/down times of 3 seconds and a dwell time of 7 seconds;

Memory 9 is a memory with an automatic trigger and fade up/down times

of 2 seconds.


Press the GO button - the outputs will fade to those programmed in memory 8 in 3 seconds, and then remain at those values for 7 seconds.


After the dwell of 7 seconds, memory 9 will run automatically and fade to its programmed levels in two seconds.



Memory Triggers:


Go - The most common trigger for memories being run on the playback X is GO, which requires the user to press the GO button to trigger the memory and start the fade to its programmed levels.


Auto - The memory will be triggered and run automatically after the previous memory has completed - see example above.


Real Time - The memory will be triggered when the time ( as displayed on the monitor screen equals the programmed start at time for the memory)


Timecode - This is used when the show is being controlled by an external SMPTE or MIDI timecode signal - Frog Box only at present.


Hope this clarifies matters for you - if you have any further questions please ask :)

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace


As I said above, the dwell time only needs to be specified if the following memory has an automatic trigger.


The dwell time is the time that elapses after the fade up/down has completed.


If you had a memory which cross-fades in 3 seconds but you then wanted the next memory to trigger automatically say one minute later, you would make the dwell time 57 seconds.


The dwell time in combination with automatic (and sometimes real tme triggers) can be very useful when playing back shows automatically without user intervention, for example from a Frog Box.


Imagine a show in a shop, exhibition hall, museum etc where the first cue is triggered at say a specific time (eg 9.00 am), and the rest of the cues/memories are automatic or real time.


If you are playing back the memory stack (playback X) manually using the Go button (or via remote switches set to GO), then it is probably best to leave the dwell times at their default values of zero.

K-Nine : Technically Advanced Roving Dog In Space

Bran Media | Myspace

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