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On the Leap Frog 48 desk we have at school it has started randomly getting signal lag between the desk and the external vga monitor. Some of the time it works perfectly and responds immediately, then for no apparent reason it will lag to up to 7 or 8 seconds behind the desk. You can still see in real time where you are using the little display on the desk but it makes using the colour picker near impossible to use and very frustrating when trying to work with students.


I have tried different monitors and cables with no luck. I have tried turning the desk off and on again which sometimes works. As far as I can tell nothing is putting pressure on the vga port connecting to the monitor and wiggling the cable when it is lagging does nothing.


Any suggestions?


It's likely to be an issue with the Version you're running - 6 is quite a way behind. From memory - the move to 7 did include a rewrite of the screen output routines which helped performance.


Upgrading is free and relatively easy - use the buttons at the top of this page to go to Products > Lighting Consoles > Solution and you'll see the link for the download there.


The process to create the upgrade USB stick can seems to take forever and when it runs, follow any suggestions the upgrade makes (it may want to upgrade the CoProcessor firmware too). Once the desk reboots - I think you'll be surprised!.


It goes without saying - save any shows you want to keep BEFORE you start the upgrade process :P

Ian Knight aka The Service Guy - www.serviceguy.co.uk

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys. Tanks for the tip. Have upgraded today and it's so much better at the moment. Will shout if it goes all laggy again. Had exams Tuesday and yesterday so couldn't do anything before now, life wouldn't have been worth living if I'd updated the desk and lost all the kids work.

Now to work out how to remake the effects



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