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Having taken delivery of our new SOLUTION desk, (very nice, thank you), has anyone had any success writing a fixture type for the STAGG HB10 or SHOWCASE TECHNOLOGIES ST0701? They (2) work fine with our aging Fat Frog, but the SOLUTION doesn't show any interest in them at all?


Hi Webbo


So to clarify;

There's no movement/colour/brightness seen when the either type of unit is connected and patched to the Solution? Do you have fixture personalities for both units?

Can you confirm DMX channels and their use as I can't seem to find an online manual for the ST0701.

How many DMX channels are you set for on the HeadBanger 10 - 7 or 12?


With a 7 DMX channel setting on the HeadBanger, channel 3 uses 0-200 as Dimmer and 201-255 as Strobe so some greater knowledge for this personality may be needed...






Have you tried to import your Fixture File (.ift i think) from your Fat Frog into the Solution? If it worked on the Frog, I think it shoud work on Solution, too. At least we did so when not all of our fixtures were included in the Common Fixture Linrary (now they are - thanks Zero88!)


Hi Guys,

Thanks for the suggestions, I'm using them in 12 ch mode, on the same line as a couple of CP HPE Miniscans on U4, addresses are HB 4-73 (12Ch) CP 4-91 (7 Ch) CP 4-102 (7Ch) HB 4-109 (12Ch) The CP's work fine. All work fine on the FROG.

The ST0701 looks like a HEADBANGER (who the heck thought that name up?) in disguise!

At the moment, both wash's run in "no DMX detected mode" very pretty for disco's but no good for shows.

I'll have a go with your ideas & see what happens.




Hi Keith,


If the fixtures are saying 'No DMX Connected' then it's not a patching issue.


Even if the patch is wrong (or not patched at all) the fixture will be receiving DMX data, just the 'wrong' DMX data.


Which DMX Universe is it patched into? If it's 3 or 4, you have to enable these outputs in SETUP > Desk Setup > Outputs.


Otherwise, I would be checking DMX cables, splitters and anything else plugged in between the fixture and the Solution.

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