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Hello. I've bought a LG T1910 Touchscreen for a Solution XL Desk because the Info for Compatible External Touch Screens - ZerOS Consoles says Currently assumed working: LG Touch (all).


But it doesn't work. In the System Info it is detected as USB Touch Panel. But it can't be callibrated and no touch input is working.


I have to get the Monitor working until the end oft the next week or I have to buy another one. It would be nice if you can tell me how much the chance is to use the LG Touchscreen with the Solution XL.


Best regards.






To help things along;

If you open the System Information window (listed under 'Other Windows' in the Output Window) the touch screen should be listed as a USB device. If you can copy the UID/PID and any other info seen from there, it may help track down what driver/kernel version is needed to support the Touch Screen.


Could you also go to SETUP> Desk Setup > Peripherals. There's a button called "Input Capture".

If you go into this screen, select the touchscreen from the drop down list, and then move your finger around the screen, and capture all the data that the monitor is sending through the USB port. This will help determine why your monitor isn't working. Ideally, move your finger right to the edges, and into the corners, to capture as much information as possible.






Hey Mike, thank you for your reply.


First I updated the Solution to Version 7.7.0 today. But I was suprised that the console didn't accept the included Zero 88 USB Stick at booting the Firmware installation. I had to use another Stick. In the Software updating manual is written I should use the included Stick.

But the new Software update didn't fix my problems with my Touchscreen. It still didn't work.


Next I have tried your advices. I've attached you a screenshot of the System Information.


Then I went into Input Capture, but there were only my USB Mouse an 3 Buttons to choose in the dropdown list. No Touchscreen available.


So I think there is no driver for it included in the current Solution Software.


What's next?



Hi Fensch


I'm in exactly the same situation with my Benq Touch screen - it only appears as a USB device.


The info you've supplied will (hopefully) give Jon and the software team what they need to check/add the associated driver to include into a software release - maybe a beta?


Jon: Any ideas on timescales to add the drivers for this and my (ZOS-5441) touchscreens?






Hi fensch, and all,


It appears that LG might have started using a different touch controller, which is why this isn't working.


We are working on updating our Linux Kernel at the moment, which will in turn increase our support for Touch Screens.


However, this isn't something that's only going to take a week or two, it's a big job that will need a lot of testing afterwards.


Best regards,

  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

This is more a 'bug' than a conformation: ACER T230H.


This touchscreen worked fine in 7.3.0. After updating the firmware of the Solution XL to 7.8.0 the touchscreen-controller has an initialisation problem.

  • After bootup of the desk the touchscreen of the Acer doesn't work.
  • In the 'Setup'-screen, I select 'Displays' and then 'Calibrate'. It takes a random time (from a few seconds to several minutes) of continually touching the screen before the first calibration-point is recognised (turns from blue into orange). The other two calibration points respond instantly.
  • After following this procedure the touchscreen works flawless. After I powercycle the desk or the monitor (or disconnect/reconnect the USB-cable) the problem occurs again and I have to recalibrate again to 'activate' the touchscreen.

In the list of USB-devices the Acer monitor is listed under "Input Devices" as:

/dev/input/event3, Acer T230H, usb-0000:00:0f.4-2/input0,


Hi dirkjan,


The desk generates an unique ID from the device name, physical ID, and the unique ID, so it can match the calibration (and which display the touchscreen is connected to) on the next boot. If any of those change, then the touchscreen will need to be recalibrated.


In the System Info window, under "Input Devices..." there is a line for each input device, with the filename, device name, physical location and unique ID. If possible, we need to check if any of the last three change at all from one boot to another (you need to turn off the touch screen too).


Screenshots / Photographs of the screen after reboots would be good.


It may be the touchscreen is making up a new unique ID every time it is powered on, which it shouldn't do.

  • 1 year later...

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