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I'm in difficult task with a ORBXF and a DTS JACK mooving head.

I'm trying to program 2 faders - one about control of ZOOM, and other to control FOCUS.


In fixture profile default positions, DMX values are 127 per FOCUS and 127 per ZOOM.

When I try to program beamshape attributes for FOCUS and ZOOM in faders, values are changing thru 127->0 or 255<-127, it differce by what high value I've saved the fader. And I couldn't find the way how to program control in full range. And I must use 2 faders per FOCUS and 2 faders per ZOOM


I've changed profile with default DMX values at 0. And I've saved fader to max values, everything was OK. So in this way I've found decision on this problem.


So my important question is where I was wrong in my first attempts with default profile?


Thank you


If you like to scroll manually through your Focus, Zoom or any other attribute on a MFF Fader try this:


Console should be in Tracking Mode.


Download the manual: http://zero88.com/su...al---issue-2-en



Please read pages 83-90 about the programmer, tagging of fixtures...

Select your fixtures and tag the fixture parameters Zoom or Focus. Tagged fixture parameters are highlighted in blue in the programmer. You can also tag and untag fixture parameters manually by holding down CLEAR and moving a wheel.


Store this on the MFF Fader.



Read page 120 for the Submaster Setup Window.


Submaster Controls…

Submaster Controls… allows you to force a parameter to follow the movement of the fader for its crossfade, rather than triggering at specified level and fading automatically. This is great for building submasters which move fixtures out into the audience – as the fader moves up, the fixtures move up. Another application commonly used is to create three submasters – one for Cyan, one for Magenta and one for Yellow.


Press the Submaster Controls… button, then select the attributes required using the on-screen buttons. Once finished the Comments column will show SC:ICBPE where ICBPE is the list of attributes the fader is controlling.


You should only select Beamshape!

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