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Hi guys, i am trying to set up a show on the go button but when i programe a memory it wont let me adjust the fixtures for the next memory. it seem to be only the dimmer racks that are affected,and i am unable to reduce the brightness of any of the cans connected to the dimmers. i have tried everything i could think of but to no avail. i have also looked through the threads on here but with no luck.im using a leapfrog 96 with 7.4 software installed and the latest fixture library. any help would be appreciated. thanks in advance.


im in non tracking mode and it is the channel faders that are the problem. i have a dimmer rack patched to the first six faders and these are the ones giving me the problem


Are you familiar with 'catching' the channels? It means you have to take the fader to (or above) the value that channel is currently on. So if the channel is at 78%, and you want it to be at 50%, you have to take the channel fader up to at least 78%, and then back down to 50%

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