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We are using 4-channel LED-PARs, which are added as Fictures (found them in the library). We would like to put a couple of colours on submaster-faders to provide wash-effects on our stage. This worked out fine put we want to smoothly crossfade between the colours.


Example: We programmed the following "scenes": On submaster fader 12: All fictures to 100% blue and 100% brightness. On submaster 11: All fictures to 100% red and 100% brightness. We have tagged the colour-parameters to be saved.

In run mode:

Submaster 12 to 50% -> stage turns blue

Adding submaster 11 to 10% -> LEDs turn red instantly! All "blue"-information is overwritten.

Putting back submaster 12 to 0% -> no change at all, LEDs stay red.


What we want: (same example)

Submaster 12 to 50% -> stage turns blue

Adding submaster 11 to 10% -> A bit of red is added to the blue

Putting back submaster 12 to 0% -> LEDs turn back to plain blue


How do we have to setup the desk?


Thank you for any help!




Hi Oliver,


You can fade between programmed colours on submasters but you can't scroll manually through your RGB colours on the subs. This feature is only available on consoles with ZerOS operating system (Solution, ORB, Leap Frog MK2 or Frog 2).




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