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Frog 2 "WARN" indication on PORT search during Start-up

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We've been using a used Frog 2 here at our Luau show for about 7 months now and last night when one of our Techs was firing her up we got green lettered "WARN" indications during PORT searches for PORT's 10, 4 and 11 and also timeouts with the same. Then when the load screen closed, the cue stacks and patch info were gone! I'd changed the battery back when we acquired the console and began programming maybe a year ago? I'll try and attach some pictures I took of the load screen and the Desk Info. Mahalo in advance for the help........



Hi kalamaku,


I notice your Software is very old - the first thing I would do is make sure the console is up to date (this is a free download).


If there was a definite problem, the console would say 'Error' instead of 'Warning'. Is there any problems you can see with the console, apart from the fact that it's lost the show file?


Try recording some Cues and some Submasters, and restarting the console - does it loose them again?


Let me know,


Ok, So....... Do you think any files that were in the console are gone for good now? Unfortunately, there were Cue Stacks that I hadn't got around to saving to a stick yet. Any chance that the files may still be onboard and just not being accessed? Can you also enlighten us on What Ports 10, 4 and 11 relate too? Lastly, which and where can I find the appropriate software update(s) to get the console up to date? I'm really hoping that I can recover those missing files.............


As I was trying to say....... We probably have the Frog 2 that has wondered furthest from home. The luau reference should give you a hint that we're in Hawaii. On the island of Kauai to be exact. I've been hesitant to do any overwriting of cues as I'm still hopeful that the missing show file is still onboard the console and just not being accessed. When I tried to "Save Show" in hopes of recovering anything in memory, the file size that saved was only 116KB which I'm thinking is too small for the 4 x 100 scene Cue Stacks that were programmed. Now, if I change the onboard battery does that guarantee that I'll lose all onboard memory?


Loaded the show I had on thumbdrive and so far it's kept. Still would like to know what Port 4, 10 and 11 relate too . Could these be the monitor ports? I'm using non-touchscreen monitors, a mouse and keyboard. Also waiting for more info in whom might help me in Hawaii and the closest place that I might send out old Mambo for repair.....


Hi Kalamaku

The ports 4, 10 and 11 relate to the internal serial ports used on the PC104 main board inside the desk. Due to the design inside the desk, the WARN errors are normal - it's an advisory that it's trying other port numbers, nothing to worry about.


I'm not sure of any dealers in Hawaii who can service the desks at the moment - if you let us know the problems, we may be able to suggest fixes that you could fit yourself, though?






Peter Kirkup


Think i have dealt with you or one of you colleagues previously on the Mambo Frog.

Please e-mail me on the address below to take this further.


Keith Rogers

Zero 88 Support: support@zero88.com

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