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Tomorrow i am using the Fat Frog to run 12 roboscans (as per normal) at a concert in the place where i work.

I want to know how i can program a whole show through the submasters and then just click 'GO' when i want a different scene.

Get back to me please



Hi perhaps I´am late but mayby this can help.


If you want to run a "theater stack" put your desk to partial mode

and set up your scenes but dont store them to the submaster - store them on the memories than you can use the go button to go thru the memories with fadetimes for generics (fade up) (fade down) the brightness of fixtures are similar to the "HTP" generics chans. they also fade the other fade time is "LTP" there you can choose colour beamshape or position fade - I use it only for position its a metter of personal likes.


Viel erfolg ... Good Luck



Sebastian H.

Pro - Sound Showtechnik

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