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Hello. How i can modify speed effect on submaster ? I set effect on my scanners and record it for submaster. I change size, offset and speed.

I have other question. How i set to submaster value to dmx ? I have gobo on wheel, when i set rotate to 47, all go to left, when is 48 to 100, go to right. Can i seperate it for 2 submaster ? Left rotate and Right rotate ? What is tracking mode ? Sorry for my bad english :-)


Hi prentas1,


How i can modify speed effect on submaster ? I set effect on my scanners and record it for submaster. I change size, offset and speed.

In the submasters window, double click in the 'comments' column of the submaster you want to do this on. A window will popup, and at the bottom there is a button called 'Submaster Controls'. Select this, and then click on 'Effect'. Click OK on both windows to close these. The submaster will now affect speed and size of the effect you have programmed.


How i set to submaster value to dmx ? I have gobo on wheel, when i set rotate to 47, all go to left, when is 48 to 100, go to right. Can i seperate it for 2 submaster ? Left rotate and Right rotate ?

It's not possible to do this I'm afraid. Depending you your fixture, you will often find it starts of going clockwise fast, slows down to a stop, and then starts rotating in the other direction, getting faster. If your fixture is like this, you can record your submaster with G1<<>> at 100%, and then keep the submaster in the middle, where the Gobo isn't rotating. Then, bring it down will make it go in one direction, and pushing it up will go in another direction.


What is tracking mode ?

There's a bit more information available here, let me know if it helps:



Sorry for my bad english :-)

You have no need to apologise!


I hope this helps,


Hmm, when I edit submaster control my submaster change speed, size and offset. I don't need edit size, but i have set it for 100%. I must edit only speed. I have next question. How i can set offset for effect ? I select 1 and 2 fixtures, set any effect, select only number 2 fixtures and set offset to 50%. But this metod is'nt good when I have 30 led par. I must edit all offset for effect every time. In manual, I read to use shift key and set offset, but i can't make this in desk.


You can record anything onto a Submaster, and the submaster can trigger (at 5%) or physically control any of the Attributes (Brightness, Position, Beamshape, Colour, Effect). However submasters can't control specific parametres, unless they are the only parametre tagged within an attribute. On the Leap Frog 48&96 consoles, the effect's speed, size, offset and rotation all make up a single effect, and can not be separated


I can write to submaster control selected intesity of moving head ?


I select 1,2 and 5 moving head.

Set intensity for it to 100%.

Save to beamshape and after to submaster ? And set submaster control only for beamshape. Does it work ?


Fixture parameters must be ‘tagged/selected' for them to be recorded. Read the manual on page 88.


Please start with the section "Programming" in the manual from page 85.




Clearing the Program Window is important as well (page 96). If you hold down the clear button and you move the requested encoder that attribute will be cleared and not recorded.


Hmm, i make chase of 2 steps. 1 step: first scanner set to full shutter, 2 step: first scanner is off, and two is on. How i can edit speed for change step on submaster ? Now i change only value of shutter, when i change submaster for up, chase is working for speed set in options to this submaster.


I write new chase.

1. Set value shutter to 100%.

Record it for submaster 1/1.

Next set value shutter for scanner 1 to 0%

Now set value shutter for scanner 2 to 100%

Record it for submaster 1/1 and change type to chase.

Now i have write 2 steps for submaster 1/1. Speed has beed set default for 60 bpm.

My question is: how i can manualy set speed on submaster ? Not set for automaticaly for 60bpm, but for manual when value of speed is set on submaster.


I would use the Beat/Tap function for the speed instead of the Auto with programmed speed. The STEP button in the Submaster section on the front panel is used to set the beat/tap (speed) of the chase.

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