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Hi everyone, although I have over 25 years’ experience as a sound engineer, I’m new to the world of lighting programing. I was wondering if I needed to upload the profiles of the moving head fixtures that I’m running, or dont I have to?

The desk is a new Jester ML with the latest software, (just updated). The moving heads are 4 x Chauvet Q-Spot 260 LED. 4 x Chauvet Q-Wash 260 LED. I am also running a number of fixed generic lights through Zero 88 dimming packs; I had to replace the old Zero 88 desk as it did not accommodate moving head fixtures.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks, Karl


Go into SETUP by holding down the SHIFT button and MODE button, until the SETUP LED lights up (next to the mode button).


Use the down arrow to select <Assign Fixtures> (when an option is selected, the triangular brackets are highlighted)


Press ENTER, go down to <Add Fixtures> and press ENTER again.


For the Chauvet Q-Spot 260:


Select 'Fixture Library' on the MultiFunction Keys (the 10 keys to the right of console, with the screens above them).


Select BC, and then select 'Chauvet'. Use the 'Page Up' and 'Page Down' buttons to change the fixtures you see on the MultiFunction Keys, until you see the Q-Spot 260 LED (it's Page 10 for me). There's an Advanced (Adv) and Basic (bas) version available, you need to make sure the mode you select on the console is the same as the mode selected on the light itself.


You will now need to select a location to 'put' that moving light. If you have four of them, select 4 of the MultiFunction keys. Once you've done that, press the ENTER button.


For the Chauvet Q-Wash 260, repeat these steps (go down to <Add Fixture> and press ENTER) but select 'USB' instead of 'Fixture Library' to load the file I attached above from a USB stick.


Once you've assigned them all, go down to <Exit> and press ENTER. A warning will pop up saying that a DMX patch is required. Ensure <Yes> is selected, and press ENTER.


Now press one of the fixtures you have assigned on your MultiFunction Keys, go down to 'DMX', press ENTER and type the DMX address of the fixture (whatever DMX address that light is set to). Confirm this by pressing ENTER again. Repeat this for all your fixtures, then go down to <OK>, press enter to go back into the main menu, and then press MODE for a second to come out of SETUP.

  • 2 months later...

Well after finding that 6 of the lights dmx address were wrong I've managed to get them all moving. :D Now all I have to do is program them :unsure: So Jon when and where is the next training day as I think that I need to learn a few things.


Thanks, Karl

  • 1 year later...


I am in exactly the same position as the guy above (although even less able to work any kind of electronic equipment) and I was following all of the above up until you wrote

"DMX address of the fixture (whatever DMX address that light is set to)" where is the DMX address of the fixture to be found please? I don't understand this part and where does it go? Also, I have some ETC lights which do not seem to be in my fixtures library.

Please help if you can spare the time.




Unfortunately how the address is displayed will depend on the type of light.

Some have a display that shows the address others are set by using a number of small switches, sometimes referred to as dip switches.

You would have to check the manual for the lights you have to work out what you have.


For the ETC lights you have mentioned please can you let us know which ones you have so we can check the and create the profiles.


Keith Rogers

Zero 88 Support: support@zero88.com


s ETC 7460A1250 Source 4 LED Zoom Lustr+ Lantern NO LENS Black 4


We have 4 of these lights. Which is the correct profile please? We have found about thirty now but don't know which one is the right one. The abbreviations are all Greek to us. They're all kind of S4+F+whatever....which one is the right one?




This is completely dependant on which mode you set on the ETC Source 4 LED Lustr+, unfortunately.


If you look in the manual for the Lustr+, you will see the various modes you can put the lantern in. Then, within the menu system you can choose to enabled additional features, such as strobe (+S) etc.


Sorry it's not a simpler answer then that, the profile for the Lustr+ is very flexible, meaning that the profiles are very complex.

  • 2 years later...

@Ganchanja - it can be daunting when you first power up any Jester.


Your first "port of call" though is the dealer who sold it to you - they must have basic working knowledge of the desk and so could help you get started.

Ian Knight aka The Service Guy - www.serviceguy.co.uk

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