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In a few weeks, I will have to do a show with 4 ROBE Robin 300 Spot Classic on a Leap Frog 96. Ans because I didn't find any library for this lamp, I decidet to build it on my own (for the first time ever).

I luckiely get up everythin running - except the Macros! This is what happens:

I press "add Macro". I Name it "Lamp On" (for example). I press "Add step", choose "Set Channel Level" on Channel "Lmp/Res" and set it on Level 135. Then I add a second step with "Wait" and 6000 ms. Now the problem:

In "Edit Macro" I can see theese 2 steps. But as I press "OK", I only see the name of the macro and "0" Commands behind it in the "Macros" tab :-(


The second problem is, that the Editor does'nt store the Stage Data to this fixture. I can edit it and everything looks fin - but after I save it, close the editor and load it again - there is "no Stage Data" again :-(


I'm using the Editor in Version (which was a download link on the orb FX to Version 3.5, because I wanted to insert the jpgs of the gobos to the fixture).


I hope enybody can help me with that.


Kind regards!



Hello Franck,


that was the first thing I tried B)

Unfortunatly, the Robin 300 Spot Classic isn't in there :(


The only "Robins 300" in there are the "Plasma" and the "300E". But those are color-mixers and the 300 spot clasic I have only have a color wheel.




  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...



does anybody know something new about this?

It's getting realy ergent for me.

Will there be a fix to the library editor? Or am I the only one with this problem?


Kind regards



Hi Jon,


I have sent it on August, 16th.

But I tried to send it again right now, so that you should have it in your Mailbox now.

If not, please let me know!


Thx for your help!

Kind regards


  • 1 month later...

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