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Hi Everyone,


I really hope you can help me with this one.


We have a FatFrog desk and I have been tasked with doing some configuration.


Essentially we have two devices in our universe addressed with DMX address = 1.


At the moment, both are controlled using the generic slider for channel one.


Device A- device DMX address = 1- controlled using generic slider 1

Device B- device DMX address = 1- controlled using generic slider 1


What I would like to do is patch one of the devices to another generic slider without having to readdress the device itself- if you see what I mean. This would give me the following:


Device A- device DMX address = 1- controlled using generic slider 1

Device B- device DMX address = 1- controlled using generic slider 34


I have read through the manual specifically looking at the duplicating and patching to see if I can do this and I am not sure I can.


Would you experts be able to help me out here?


Thanks in advance for your time.


Barney Kirk


Hi Barney,


There is no way to do this.


Imagine DMX addresses as the address on a letter you are being sent. If my address was exactly the same as your address, how would the postman know where to deliver the letter?


In the same way, DMX addresses have to be unique - it is the only method the desk has to be able to send data to the fixtures separately. If both fixtures have the same DMX address, they both receive the same information, and hence will both do the same thing.


Why do you not want to change the DMX address of one of the fixtures?

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